Thursday, April 16, 2020

PennFuture, Partners To Celebrate PA Clean Water Week With Webinar April 17

The Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed, Choose Clean Water Coalition, PennFuture and other partners will be celebrating PA Clean Water Week with a webinar on April 17 from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m.
PA Clean Water Week celebrates not only the waters of Pennsylvania, but advocates for their preservation and health, and for funding from our state and federal governments for restoration and maintenance projects.
The April 17 webinar will feature presentations by--
-- DCNR Secretary Cindy Adams Dunn
-- Rep. Leanne Krueger (D-Delaware)
-- Delaware River Basin Commission
-- Gene Veno, Susquehanna River Basin Commission
-- Colin O'Mara, President & CEO National Wildlife Federation
-- Renee Reber, PennFuture
Visit the PA Clean Water Week webpage for information on other activities.  Questions should be directed to Emily Baldauff, at, or Renee Reber, at
[Posted: April 16, 2020] PA Environment Digest

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