Thursday, March 14, 2019

PUC Approves Duquesne Light Filing For Third-Party Electric Vehicle Charging Stations

On March 14, the Public Utility Commission approved a filing by Duquesne Light as part of an ongoing statewide effort to help remove uncertainty and potential barriers to the deployment of third-party electric vehicle (EV) charging stations.
The Commission voted 5-0 today to approve a supplement tariff for Duquesne Light, in response to an EV policy statement adopted last year by the PUC.
The Commission’s November 2018 policy statement was designed to help promote increased investment in EV charging infrastructure in the state by reducing regulatory uncertainty and providing greater consistency among electric distribution companies (EDCs).  
The policy statement clarifies that third-party electric vehicle charging is providing a service, and not considered resale of electricity under the Public Utility Code. EDCs were directed to amend their tariffs to address third-party EV charging stations consistent with the new policy.
As the Commissioners noted, technological advancements are transforming the electric consumption of consumers and impacting the grid as a whole – and it is important for utilities to adapt their infrastructure and tariff structure to address these changes, which include a growing number of electric vehicles.
The approval of the Duquesne Light filing comes just weeks after approval of similar filings by the four FirstEnergy electric distribution companies serving Pennsylvania.
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