Thursday, February 4, 2021

PA Environmental Council Renews Call For Pennsylvania To Lead On Climate Change And Reducing Carbon Pollution

PA Environment Council is again calling on state government to take action to reduce carbon pollution through an updated Climate and Energy Policy Recommendations report for the 2021-22 legislative session..

The recommendations are based on the 2019 Energy and Climate Pathways Report and  Decarbonization Roadmap predicated on an "all in" approach for policy action.

The recommendations include--

-- Continuing the process to link with other states in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast in the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative [Read more here];

-- Reforming the Alternative Energy Portfolio Standards into a Clean Energy Standard;

-- Creating or enhancing tax credits, grants, loans, or other financial incentives for energy efficiency and energy use reduction, as well as strengthening and expanding existing Act 129 energy efficiency programs and weatherization programs;

-- Adopting measures to promote community solar and grid modernization;

-- Adopting policies and incentives to support installation of distributed energy resources, including renewables and energy storage;

-- Advancing measures to facilitate clean energy development, including with regard to contracting and siting; and

-- Considering new or enhanced financial incentives and otherwise leveraging state resources to help bring other zero-carbon technologies to commercial readiness in Pennsylvania.

In addition, measures are needed to decarbonize Pennsylvania’s transportation sector.  Decarbonization roadmap actions for transportation include:

-- Continuing to collaborate with neighboring states to ensure that the Transportation and Climate Initiative results in a robust policy proposal that is then implemented by the Commonwealth; and

-- Promoting electric vehicles, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and other low-carbon fuels.

Since the release of PEC’s decarbonization policy agenda in early 2019, Gov. Tom Wolf has issued an executive order to begin Pennsylvania’s initiation into the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative. 

That rulemaking process is now proceeding toward hopeful completion by the end of 2021. 

We urge the governor and General Assembly to continue working toward a zero-carbon energy future that serves all Pennsylvanians.

Click Here for a copy of the report.

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Related Articles:

-- Wolf Budget Proposes Energy Communities Trust Fund To Ease Transition Of Workers, Communities Impacted By Power Plant Closures 

--  Republicans On Senate Environmental Committee Approve Letter Urging IRRC To Disapprove Reg. Reducing Carbon Pollution From Power Plants 

--  Op-Ed: A Realistic Climate Agenda - Rep. Greg Vitali (D-Delaware) 

[Posted: February 4, 2021]  PA Environment Digest

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