Friday, June 12, 2020

Southwestern PA Water Resource Center Hosts Webinars On Stormwater, Water Infrastructure Issues

The Southwestern PA Commission's Water Resource Center will host a series of webinars on stormwater and water infrastructure issues in the coming weeks.  They include--
-- June 25: Are Stormwater Fees Right For You?  Stormwater costs are on the rise due to increased regulation, aging infrastructure, and the increasing frequency of heavy storms. But existing tax revenue is already spread thin by other priorities. You need more revenue to address your stormwater needs, and stormwater fees could be the answer.
Stormwater fees provide a dedicated stream of funding that ensures you always have the money on hand to manage stormwater issues – without competing with other budgetary needs. 
This is a crucial advantage when seeking grants and outside funding for improvements.
Attend this webinar to learn more about stormwater fees and how to evaluate them alongside other methods of stormwater funding to determine the best approach for your community.
The webinar will be held from Noon to 1:00 p.m.  Click Here to register.
-- July 14: How Act 167 Planning Can Help Identify, Address Stormwater Issues.  Act 167 Plans can be a valuable tool for managing stormwater issues like flooding and watershed pollution, but anticipated changes to the MS4 Program (and changing rainfall trends) mean it could be time to update yours.
Attend this webinar to learn:
-- How an Act 167 Plan helps your county assess current and future stormwater conditions within the watershed
-- How to use that assessment to develop stormwater management standards, criteria, and provisions that minimize adverse impact from stormwater runoff (like flooding and pollution)
-- How those standards, criteria, and provisions are officially adopted
Proper protocol for updating existing Act 167 Plans per upcoming MS4 requirements
The webinar will be held from Noon to 1:00 p.m.  Click Here to register.
-- July 30: Achieving Multi-Objective Community Co-Benefits With MS4 Projects. This webinar presentation will cover case studies from Pennsylvania and surrounding states that demonstrate innovative ways municipalities can go about achieving multiple community benefits while at the same time achieving pollutant reduction goals as part of MS4 mandates.
The webinar will be held from Noon to 1:00 p.m.  Click Here to register.
-- August 13: County Infrastructure Banks: An Innovative Approach To Financing Infrastructure Improvements.  Local government officials are increasingly listing infrastructure repair and replacement as a top priority for their community, but their budgets are being besieged by rising costs and federal mandates.
Attend this webinar to see how county officials across the state are using infrastructure banks to protect public safety and promote economic development in their communities.
You’ll hear real-world examples of how infrastructure banks are being used to:
-- Stretch limited dollars further and accomplish more projects
-- Provide both funding and project delivery support to municipalities that otherwise wouldn’t have the resources or staff to complete complex infrastructure improvements.
-- Target money to long-term, strategic planning goals for the region.
The webinar will be held from Noon to 1:00 p.m.  Click Here to register.
-- September 8: Position Yourself For Infrastructure Funding With An Asset Management/ Capital Improvement Plan.  Millions of dollars are available in infrastructure grants, but the competition for funding is fierce. Successful applicants must:
-- Demonstrate why a project is necessary and how it will benefit the community.
-- Demonstrate they have a plan and the necessary resources to get the project built and maintain it so it lasts.
-- Find funding agencies and legislators that share their project goals and values.
Attend this webinar to learn:
--What grant agency decision makers want to see in a winning proposal
-- How an asset management and capital improvement can be used to provide that information.
-- How to get started with asset management and capital improvement planning in your community.
The webinar will be held from Noon to 1:00 p.m.  Click Here to register.
Visit the Southwestern PA Commission's Water Resource Center to learn more about other educational opportunity and assistance programs.
Related Articles:
[Posted: June 12, 2020]  PA Environment Digest

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