Monday, June 1, 2020

PA Parks & Forests Foundation Launches New Protect Our Parks And Forests Website

The Parks and Forests Foundation recently unveiled a new website: Protect Our Parks and Forests.

In 2017, with the support of the Richard King Mellon Foundation, PPFF undertook a comprehensive study of the maintenance needs in our state parks and forests. 
The resulting report, The Legacy of Pennsylvania’s State Parks and Forests: The Future Is In Our Hands, is an in-depth look at these ongoing and urgent needs. 
The new website is the next step in educating enthusiasts and decision makers of the importance of our parks and forests and the need to address the over $1 billion in maintenance, safety, and infrastructure needs in Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests.
Visitors to the website will learn about the challenges facing state parks and forests, why investing in our parks and forests make sense for our economy and human health, and resources to take action. 
State parks and forests attract millions of visitors each year and are part of the $29 billion outdoor recreation industry in the state.
Years of underfunding has led to bridges, dams, sewage treatment, recreational facilities and natural environments in poor shape. Deferring maintenance costs taxpayers more money in the long run. 
And now, more than ever, the public is turning to the outdoors for physical, mental and emotional health.
Having a specific online presence to inform and advocate for natural spaces will bridge the gap between idea and action, making it easier than ever for Pennsylvanians to advocate for the places they hold dear.
“Pennsylvania’s parks and forests are protected under our Environmental Rights Amendment to our state constitution,” said Marci Mowery, President of the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation. “They are essential to the nature of who we are, our cultural identity, and to protecting human and environmental health. They also provide a myriad of services that, if we had to replicate today, would cost millions of dollars. Investing in our parks and forests makes sense.”
For more information, visit the Protect Our Parks and Forests website. 
For more information on programs, initiatives, special events and how you can get involved, visit the PA Parks & Forests Foundation website.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates from the Foundation,  Like them on Facebook or Follow them on Twitter or tune in to their YouTube ChannelClick Here to become a member of the Foundation.
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[Posted: June 1, 2020]  PA Environment Digest

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