Friday, March 6, 2020

Gov. Wolf Signs Coronavirus Disaster Declaration To Support State Response

In March 6, Gov. Tom Wolf signed an emergency disaster declaration to provide increased support to state agencies involved in the response to the coronavirus.
Gov. Wolf also confirmed the first two presumptive positive cases of 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Pennsylvania in Delaware and Wayne counties and reminded residents that the Commonwealth is prepared to respond to community spread of this virus.  Read more here.
“It’s imperative that we continue to respond quickly and accurately to the coronavirus and its introduction into Pennsylvania,” Gov. Wolf said. “First and foremost, we want all Pennsylvanians to be safe and remain healthy and follow the practical advice of the Department of Health on ways to protect yourself from any virus and that’s by washing hands, covering your mouth and nose when you sneeze or cough and staying home if you are sick.
“It is critical to prepare for and respond to suspected or confirmed cases in the commonwealth and to implement measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. The disaster declaration is an additional way we can be prepared, so I authorized the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency Director or his designee, to assume command and control of all statewide emergency operations and authorize and direct that all commonwealth departments and agencies use all available resources and personnel as is deemed necessary to cope with this emergency situation.”
The disaster declaration follows the Department of Health’s activation of its Department Operations Center at the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency’s headquarters to conduct public health and medical coordination for COVID-19 throughout the Commonwealth and the Governor’s announcement earlier this morning about two presumptive positive cases in Pennsylvania. 
In addition to the emergency disaster declaration to date the Wolf Administration has:
-- Activated of the Department of Health’s Emergency Operations Center to allow for enhanced response coordination;
-- Began testing for COVID-19 at the state laboratory;
-- Maintained communication and outreach with federal, state and local partners;
-- Provided symptom monitoring for residents returning from areas impacted by coronavirus;
-- Provided health care providers, businesses and education providers with information;
-- Reviewed and adapted current pandemic flu plans to prepare for spread of COVID-19;
-- Increased testing capacity to test 20 to 25 individuals daily;
-- Purchased equipment to increase testing capacity to 125 to 150 individuals within a day.
-- Partially activated the Commonwealth Response Coordination Center at PEMA.
For more information, visit the Department of Health’s 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) webpage, Follow them on Twitter, or Like them on Facebook
Related Article:
[Posted: March 6, 2020]

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