Saturday, January 25, 2025

PASA Sustainable Agriculture Recognizes Innovation, Collaboration In 2025 Pasabilities Awards

PASA Sustainable Agriculture has again honored farmers, community and business leaders who serve as examples for advancing sustainable agriculture through innovation and collaboration with this year's Pasabilities Awards.

PASA recognized--

-- Business Leadership Award: The Wilson Family, Wilson Land & Cattle Co.: The Wilson Family owns a 220-acre adaptive grazing system in northwest Pennsylvania [Tionesta, Forest County]. 

With over 40 years of experience, Russ Wilson has learned how proper forage management and species diversity can yield benefits for livestock production and soil health. 

Russ shares his skills as a grazing consultant within the farming community to advocate for the survival of small farms and to further sustainable agricultural practices. 

His services are designed to tackle even the most complex projects—he isn’t satisfied until he’s figured out a solution that works for each person in their ecosystem with their available resources.

-- Community Leadership Award: George Brittenburg, Ola Creston & the Farm Crew at Taproot Farm: Taproot Farm is a 200-acre certified organic produce farm in Berks County, Pennsylvania. 

George Brittenburg and Ola Creston started the farm in 2009 with a young family, five acres of rented ground, and a small tractor. 

The farm now employs up to 20 people at the peak of the growing season, and members of this group of hardworking farmers have become a community of long-time friends. 

George and Ola see organic farming as vital to protecting the environment, and they are passionate about their work. They are thoughtful and engaged farmers who are invested in the collective well-being of the sustainable agriculture community.

-- Leadership Award: Lisa Freeman, Freeman Family Farm & Greenhouse: Lisa Freeman is a farmer and urban agriculture advocate in Pittsburgh. She started Freeman Family Farm and Greenhouse as a school and community garden in 2011. 

The farm incorporates permaculture practices and focuses on the medically vulnerable and those most at risk of food insecurity. 

She recently celebrated the grand opening of the Freeman Family Farm Store, which offers accessible fresh produce. It is recognized as the first Black-owned grocery store built in a marginalized community in Pittsburgh. 

Lisa fights to combat food apartheid and provide precious green space in her community. She has also mentored many other young farmers and is a staple of her community.

Lifetime Service Awards

-- Brian Moyer, PA Farm Markets & Penn State Extension: Brian Moyer is an educator with Penn State Extension, providing education and resources for farmers and markets. He is the founder and previous manager of the Skippack Farmers Market from 1999 to 2009. 

Brian is also the founder of PA Farm Markets, which provides education and resources for markets and retail farm markets.

 He works tirelessly to support farmers and growers, ensuring that products get to consumers.

 Brian has almost single handedly forwarded the needs of farmers markets across the region. 

If you are a farmer and you move product through a farmers market, or if you are a farmers market manager, Brian will be there for you. Brian is also a past board member and Lifetime Member of Pasa.

-- The Steigman Family, Small Valley Milling: Small Valley Milling started as a 200-acre family farm [in Halifax, Dauphin County]. Owners Joel and Elaine Steigman transitioned to organic practices in 1999 and are fierce advocates of the benefits of organic agriculture. 

They were motivated by a belief that avoiding toxic inputs would be better for the health of their land, family, and customers. 

They also wanted to find a more economically sustainable way to keep the family farm, as larger conventional farms squeezed their profit margins. 

The farm is now in its second generation and is well-positioned to keep serving the food system into the future. 

They mill nearly three million pounds of flour each year and aim to build a year’s worth of storage for local organic farmers to be able to take more of their grain at harvest. 

This important part of the local supply chain will allow farmers without access to storage the ability to sell their crops for value-added organic consumption.

The awards are being presented as part of the 2025 PASA Sustainable Agriculture Conference in Lancaster February 5-7.

Click Here for PASA announcement.

For more information on programs, initiatives, research, educational opportunities and how you can get involved, visit the PASA Sustainable Agriculture website or follow them on Facebook and Twitter.  Click Here to sign up for regular updates.  Click Here to become a member.

PASA works to build a more economically-just, environmentally-regenerative, and community-focused food system through education and research that directly supports farmers.

(Photos: The Wilson Land & Cattle Co.; Taproot Farm; Lisa Freeman; 2nd Row- Brian Moyer; Steigman Family.)

[Posted: January 25, 2025]  PA Environment Digest

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