At a press conference this afternoon, Gov. Rendell said he was taking the natural gas severance tax proposal, that he and environmental and local groups were supporting, off the table for this budget season.
He said he would work with the natural gas industry to develop a proposal that everyone could support.
He said many people were concerned about adopting a severance tax too early and choking off investments the natural gas industry was making in Pennsylvania to drill in the Marcellus Shale formations.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Monday NewsClips
Only 2 States Remain Without Budgets
With Recycling Up 46% In Philadelphia, Talk Of Rewards
Editorial Passing Climate Change Legislation
Nurturing Love Of Outdoors
Next Stage Of Drilling Debate
Marcellus Shale Topic Of Lock Haven Meeting Tuesday
Watershed Initiatives Offers Aid To Farmers
Montour County Praised For LED Work
First Of 67 Wind Turbines On Rise In Bradford County
Natural Gas Promise Attracts A Gian Suitor
Firm Launches Informational Site On Marcellus Shale
KI Tablets To Be Handed Out
Op-Ed: Bright Future Depends On Passage Of Clean Energy Bill, DEP Secretary Hanger
Bucks County Won't Buy Hybrid Vehicles Until Price Is Right
Appreciating The Delaware River And What It Means
New LEDs To Lighten Kennett Square Expenses
With Recycling Up 46% In Philadelphia, Talk Of Rewards
Editorial Passing Climate Change Legislation
Nurturing Love Of Outdoors
Next Stage Of Drilling Debate
Marcellus Shale Topic Of Lock Haven Meeting Tuesday
Watershed Initiatives Offers Aid To Farmers
Montour County Praised For LED Work
First Of 67 Wind Turbines On Rise In Bradford County
Natural Gas Promise Attracts A Gian Suitor
Firm Launches Informational Site On Marcellus Shale
KI Tablets To Be Handed Out
Op-Ed: Bright Future Depends On Passage Of Clean Energy Bill, DEP Secretary Hanger
Bucks County Won't Buy Hybrid Vehicles Until Price Is Right
Appreciating The Delaware River And What It Means
New LEDs To Lighten Kennett Square Expenses
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday NewsClips
Lawmakers Relearn Patience During Budget Impasse
Orion Grassroots Network Helps EPCAMR Raise Funds
Southwest PA HHW Task Force Serves 20,000th Participant
Susquehanna River Symposium Set For September 25-26
Potassium Iodide Pill Distribution Scheduled In Allegheny County
Get Government Cash For Going Green
Orion Grassroots Network Helps EPCAMR Raise Funds
Southwest PA HHW Task Force Serves 20,000th Participant
Susquehanna River Symposium Set For September 25-26
Potassium Iodide Pill Distribution Scheduled In Allegheny County
Get Government Cash For Going Green
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Saturday NewsClips
Lawmakers Begin To Make Concessions- 60 Days With No Budget
Sen. White Asks Agencies To Reconsider Scaling Back West Nile Spraying
Five Years Of Restoring The Genesee Watershed
Natural Gas Drilling Company Donates To Lackawanna College Campus
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff Stepping Down
Editorial: Transit's Time
Sen. White Asks Agencies To Reconsider Scaling Back West Nile Spraying
Five Years Of Restoring The Genesee Watershed
Natural Gas Drilling Company Donates To Lackawanna College Campus
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff Stepping Down
Editorial: Transit's Time
Friday, August 28, 2009
Aug. 31 PA Environment Digest Now Available

Selected Headlines--
CBF Files Challenges Of DEP Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Permits
More Programs, Agencies Feeling Hurt Of Zeroed Out Budget
We Haven't Looked Back - Five Years Of Restoring The Genesee Watershed
Submissions For Growing Greener Anniversary Grants Due September 20
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff Resigns, Russell Redding Nominated
Sen. White Urges DEP, Health Depts. To Reconsider Scaling Back West Nile Virus Program
House Finance Committee Chair Issues Special Report On Marcellus Shale Severance Tax
Pitt Awarded Project On Curtailing, Reusing Wastewater From Marcellus Shale Drilling
DEP Fines Company Handling Gas Drilling Frack Water For Unpermitted Transfer Station
PEC Seeking Bids For Ohiopyle Green Infrastructure Project
PA American Water Wins Recognition From State Dam Safety Officials
Wildlands Conservancy Seeks 2009 Ark Award Nominations
EPCAMR Makes GIS Presentation On Waste Coal, Anthracite Abandoned Mine Pools Study
Fourth Annual Susquehanna River Symposium Set For September 25-26
Reminder: Port Of Pittsburgh-Ohio River Watershed Celebration Now October 1
Westmoreland Conservation District Invites Public To 60th Anniversary Open House
Penn State Aims to Set Example By Planting Cover Crops For Environmental Benefit
$5.3 Million In Energy Harvest Grants Announced
Allegheny County Announces New Cost-Saving, Energy-Saving Equipment Contract
PECO Plan To Purchase Solar Energy Credits Approved By PUC
Agriculture Certifies Infrastructure In Place To Support Biodiesel Mandate
Pittsburgh Energy And Environment Week Brings Together Stakeholders April 12-16
Future City Competition Now Open To Middle Schools
Federal Tax Refund Applications Available For Clean Energy Manufacturers
Health Department Distributing Potassium Iodide Tablets Near Nuclear Power Plants
PA Coal Association Opposes Federal Climate Change Bill
PA Faces More Than Eight Degree Increase In Temperature Over Next 100 Years
Take Part In The Second Annual Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge
Trail Poll Reveals Most Hikers Longest Day Hike Is 15 To 20 Miles
Game Commission Says Litter Causing Risk To Wildlife
Southwest PA HHW Task Force Serves 20,000th Participant
5th Annual PA Greenways & Trails Summit To Be Held September 27-29 In Blair County
Lehigh County Extension Native Plant Identification Workshop September 8, 15
DCNR Forestry Bureau Awards Funding For Rural Firefighters
Dickinson College Named To Green Honor Roll
PennGreen Experience For Environmentally Conscious Incoming Students At Penn
Rabies Vaccination Program Underway In Western Pennsylvania
Rachel Carson Legacy Conference On Endocrine Disrupting Contaminants September 25
Governor Nominates 4 To Environmental Hearing Board
DEP Citizens Advisory Council Elects 2009-10 Officers, EQB Representatives
DEP Opportunity To Bid On Mine Reclamation Project In Allegheny County
Orion Grassroots Network Helps EPCAMR Raise Funding For Kids In Creeks
Careers Shaped, Friendships Forged In The Outdoors World Of ECO Camp
140th Avondale Mine Disaster Commemorations Set For September 6
Agriculture Certifies Infrastructure In Place To Support Biodiesel Mandate
The Department of Agriculture today issued a report required by the Biofuels Development and In-State Production Act requiring the agency to certify there is sufficient infrastructure in place in Pennsylvania to support the biofuels mandate.
A copy of the report is available online.
According to the report, biodiesel producers currently have a combined production capacity of 110 million gallons on a annual basis from multiple feedstocks, including vegetable oil (26 percent of capacity), grease (24 percent), animal fats (29 percent) and beef tallow or solid animal fats (21 percent).
Of the 43 fuel terminals responding to a Department of Agriculture survey, three currently have biodiesel injection blending capabilities and 14 more facilities will have biodiesel storage and blending capabilities by January 1, 2010 with a total combined capacity of 7.2 million gallons of B2 biodiesel blended product daily. An additional 6 facilities will have blending capacity by July 1, 2010.
As a result of this certification report, effective May 1, 2010 all diesel fuel offered for sale in the Commonwealth will be required to have at least 2 percent biodiesel.
The Department of Environmental Protection is also required to do a study to determine what impact ethanol and biodiesel mandates will have on the state's air quality by December 31, 2009.
A copy of the report is available online.
According to the report, biodiesel producers currently have a combined production capacity of 110 million gallons on a annual basis from multiple feedstocks, including vegetable oil (26 percent of capacity), grease (24 percent), animal fats (29 percent) and beef tallow or solid animal fats (21 percent).
Of the 43 fuel terminals responding to a Department of Agriculture survey, three currently have biodiesel injection blending capabilities and 14 more facilities will have biodiesel storage and blending capabilities by January 1, 2010 with a total combined capacity of 7.2 million gallons of B2 biodiesel blended product daily. An additional 6 facilities will have blending capacity by July 1, 2010.
As a result of this certification report, effective May 1, 2010 all diesel fuel offered for sale in the Commonwealth will be required to have at least 2 percent biodiesel.
The Department of Environmental Protection is also required to do a study to determine what impact ethanol and biodiesel mandates will have on the state's air quality by December 31, 2009.
Agriculture Secretary Dennis Wolff Resigns, Governor Nominates Russell Redding

"Denny Wolff has worked hard over the last six and a half years to ensure Pennsylvania's farmers have the resources they need to expand their business and ensure the state's number one industry continues growing," said Gov. Rendell. "He's worked effectively to implement my plan to ensure more farmers have ready access to affordable financing and the resources and guidance they need to expand, diversify or transition their operation. He's also played a pivotal role in strengthening our food safety system and opening new markets to Pennsylvania's producers."
At Gov. Rendell's direction, Secretary Wolff worked to launch a number of important initiatives such as the PA Preferred program, and the centers of beef and dairy excellence, which help farmers in those industries improve profitability. He also led efforts to improve Pennsylvania's food safety oversight and enact the Agricultural Communities and Rural Environments initiative, or ACRE, that helps protect farmers against illegal and burdensome local ordinances.
"I thank him for his service to the commonwealth and wish him the best in his future endeavors," the Governor added.
Redding has served the department since April 1995, when he served as a deputy secretary. In 2003, he was named executive deputy secretary and assumed the day-to-day operational and administrative oversight responsibilities for the entire department.
His nomination as secretary is subject to Senate confirmation.
"Russell is one of the most respected individuals in Pennsylvania agriculture today," said the Governor. "From his days growing up in Gettysburg, he has been actively engaged in the agricultural community. In his professional career, he has proven himself to be incredibly knowledgeable and capable on all matters of agricultural policy at the state and federal levels.
"Under my administration, he has been an invaluable asset as his insight and counsel is highly regarded. There are a number of challenges facing our agricultural industry today and there are important issues before the department. From helping our producers navigate and survive a difficult economic climate, to improving our state's food safety system, enacting Pennsylvania's greatly improved Dog Law, and strengthening our conservation and stewardship practices, I am confident that Russell is the right person for this position."
Prior to joining the department, Redding served as an agricultural policy advisor and executive assistant to U.S. Senator Harris Wofford.
Redding serves on the Pennsylvania Rural Leadership Program's advisory board, on the Gettysburg Hospital board of directors, and is a member of the Penn State University's Agri-Food Advisory Committee. He was recently recognized by the Pennsylvania FFA for more than 30 years of service to the agricultural education organization.
CBF Files Challenges Of DEP Marcellus Shale Natural Gas Permits, Calls For Severance Tax
For the first time since the Department of Environment Protection took over review of erosion, sediment, and stormwater control plans for natural gas drilling sites, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation is challenging two permits in Tioga County contending violations of both Commonwealth and federal laws.
Not only did DEP strip review authority from local County Conservation Districts in April, but it instituted an expedited stormwater permitting process that does not allow for public participation or meaningful agency review of permit applications.
In fact, the Ultra permit was issued within two days of receipt of the application. Phase II of the Fortuna permit, the one with the Exceptional Value wetlands issue, was issued within three business days.
“Instead of protecting the environment, DEP is rubber stamping permit applications without any formal review,” said CBF’s Pennsylvania Executive Director Matt Ehrhart. “Wild trout streams and their tributaries, and exceptional value wetlands that should receive extra protection under the law are at risk due to the lack of thorough DEP oversight.”
CBF is challenging permits issued to Fortuna Energy, Inc. authorizing earth disturbance for pipeline construction in Jackson Township, and to Ultra Resources, Inc. authorizing earth disturbance for substantial drilling operations in Gaines and Elk townships.
The Fortuna pipeline will cross tributaries of wild trout streams and impact exceptional value wetlands in violation of Pennsylvania wetlands law. The Ultra project will include pipeline crossings of high quality trout streams within the Pine Creek watershed, home to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon and one of the state’s premier outdoor recreation destinations. For both projects, there was no analysis of the rate or volume of stormwater runoff from the construction, which can pollute streams.
“That these permits were issued without technical review and an analysis of the damage caused by construction and post-construction runoff violates both the federal Clean Water Act and Pennsylvania law,” said CBF Pennsylvania Staff Attorney Matthew Royer. “Conservation Districts have the local knowledge and experience to review the permits and manage the program. What we see here is a clear failure by DEP to meet fundamental permit review obligations. DEP should restore authority to the Conservation Districts."
The appeals will be heard by the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board.
“Gas drilling will bring some level of environmental damage, as well as damage to roads and bridges,” Royer said. “That damage must be minimized through wise application of environmental regulations. It also underscores the need for a severance tax on drilling so that the state can fund mitigation projects to offset damages.”
Not only did DEP strip review authority from local County Conservation Districts in April, but it instituted an expedited stormwater permitting process that does not allow for public participation or meaningful agency review of permit applications.
In fact, the Ultra permit was issued within two days of receipt of the application. Phase II of the Fortuna permit, the one with the Exceptional Value wetlands issue, was issued within three business days.
“Instead of protecting the environment, DEP is rubber stamping permit applications without any formal review,” said CBF’s Pennsylvania Executive Director Matt Ehrhart. “Wild trout streams and their tributaries, and exceptional value wetlands that should receive extra protection under the law are at risk due to the lack of thorough DEP oversight.”
CBF is challenging permits issued to Fortuna Energy, Inc. authorizing earth disturbance for pipeline construction in Jackson Township, and to Ultra Resources, Inc. authorizing earth disturbance for substantial drilling operations in Gaines and Elk townships.
The Fortuna pipeline will cross tributaries of wild trout streams and impact exceptional value wetlands in violation of Pennsylvania wetlands law. The Ultra project will include pipeline crossings of high quality trout streams within the Pine Creek watershed, home to the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon and one of the state’s premier outdoor recreation destinations. For both projects, there was no analysis of the rate or volume of stormwater runoff from the construction, which can pollute streams.
“That these permits were issued without technical review and an analysis of the damage caused by construction and post-construction runoff violates both the federal Clean Water Act and Pennsylvania law,” said CBF Pennsylvania Staff Attorney Matthew Royer. “Conservation Districts have the local knowledge and experience to review the permits and manage the program. What we see here is a clear failure by DEP to meet fundamental permit review obligations. DEP should restore authority to the Conservation Districts."
The appeals will be heard by the Pennsylvania Environmental Hearing Board.
“Gas drilling will bring some level of environmental damage, as well as damage to roads and bridges,” Royer said. “That damage must be minimized through wise application of environmental regulations. It also underscores the need for a severance tax on drilling so that the state can fund mitigation projects to offset damages.”
Friday NewsClips
State Budget Negotiations At A Standstill
PA Budget Negotiations Stall Once Again
State Budget Talks Break Down
Many Rap Heating Aid Program At Hearing
Audubon Initiative Helps Golf Course Owners Protect Wildlife
Allegheny County Goes Green, Replaces Office Machines
School Districts finding Ways To Introduce Green Practices
PPL To use Herbicides Despite Residents' Concerns
Film Explores Waste Management Program
Voluntary Program Encourages conservation By On The Farm, Forests
Lansdale Resident Now LEED Certified
The Next Big Thing Is Marcellus Shale
PA Budget Negotiations Stall Once Again
State Budget Talks Break Down
Many Rap Heating Aid Program At Hearing
Audubon Initiative Helps Golf Course Owners Protect Wildlife
Allegheny County Goes Green, Replaces Office Machines
School Districts finding Ways To Introduce Green Practices
PPL To use Herbicides Despite Residents' Concerns
Film Explores Waste Management Program
Voluntary Program Encourages conservation By On The Farm, Forests
Lansdale Resident Now LEED Certified
The Next Big Thing Is Marcellus Shale
Thursday, August 27, 2009
PEC Seeking Bids For Ohioplye Green Infrastructure Project
The Pennsylvania Environmental Council is now seeking bids for the installation of rain barrels, downspout and gutter repair and installation throughout Ohiopyle Borough, Fayette County.
Bids will accepted now through October 6.
PEC received funding from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the Ohiopyle Borough Green Infrastructure Project.
In addition to rain barrels and downspout work, the project also involves installation of pervious pavement, bioswales/rain gardens, landscaping, asphalt pavement repair, and concrete sidewalks on demonstration streets -Sherman Street, part of Lincoln Street and part of Sheridan Street.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on September 15 at 11:30 a.m. at the Ohiopyle Volunteer Fire Station at the corner of Lincoln and Sherman St. Click here for a copy of the bid advertisement.
Bids will accepted now through October 6.
PEC received funding from the federal American Recovery and Reinvestment Act for the Ohiopyle Borough Green Infrastructure Project.
In addition to rain barrels and downspout work, the project also involves installation of pervious pavement, bioswales/rain gardens, landscaping, asphalt pavement repair, and concrete sidewalks on demonstration streets -Sherman Street, part of Lincoln Street and part of Sheridan Street.
A pre-bid meeting will be held on September 15 at 11:30 a.m. at the Ohiopyle Volunteer Fire Station at the corner of Lincoln and Sherman St. Click here for a copy of the bid advertisement.
Thursday NewsClips
Editorial: As Budget Casualties Mount, Both Parties Take A Risk
Bond Raters Warn State's Fiscal Plan Can't Hinge On One Time Cash Infusions
PA Home Energy Assistance Funds Shrink
Cooks Creek Watershed Conservation Effort Pays Off
Rabies Vaccine To Be Dropped By Aircraft Throughtout W. PA
Cases Of Rabies Decline In Western PA
Stimulus Cash To Fund Solar Projects
Family Installs Solar Panels To Reduce Electric Bill
Titusville Driller's Success Enriched World
Birth Of The Oil Industry - Today First Well Drilled
Oil At 150
Wilkes-Barre River Common Attracts Tree Lovers
Half-Dozen Speakers Criticize New Philadelphia Trash Fee
Clunkers By The Numbers
Clunkers Drives 20,000 Sales In Western PA
Celebrating Local Food All Month
Penn State Paper Provider Prepares To Go Green
LEED To Turn Buildings Green, Help Region Recover
Montour County Rankled By Loss Of West Nile Program
Editorial: Job Potential Of Gas Drilling Starts To Show
PA American Water Earns Award
Funding Approved For Delaware Dredging Projects
Rain Barrels Sounds Fascinating, Tell Me More
Bond Raters Warn State's Fiscal Plan Can't Hinge On One Time Cash Infusions
PA Home Energy Assistance Funds Shrink
Cooks Creek Watershed Conservation Effort Pays Off
Rabies Vaccine To Be Dropped By Aircraft Throughtout W. PA
Cases Of Rabies Decline In Western PA
Stimulus Cash To Fund Solar Projects
Family Installs Solar Panels To Reduce Electric Bill
Titusville Driller's Success Enriched World
Birth Of The Oil Industry - Today First Well Drilled
Oil At 150
Wilkes-Barre River Common Attracts Tree Lovers
Half-Dozen Speakers Criticize New Philadelphia Trash Fee
Clunkers By The Numbers
Clunkers Drives 20,000 Sales In Western PA
Celebrating Local Food All Month
Penn State Paper Provider Prepares To Go Green
LEED To Turn Buildings Green, Help Region Recover
Montour County Rankled By Loss Of West Nile Program
Editorial: Job Potential Of Gas Drilling Starts To Show
PA American Water Earns Award
Funding Approved For Delaware Dredging Projects
Rain Barrels Sounds Fascinating, Tell Me More
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Future City Competition Now Open To Middle Schools
Designing affordable housing for those most in need is enormously complicated. But how to do it while adhering to LEED recognized green building standards, with an emphasis on energy efficiency and a low carbon footprint?
That’s the challenge for Central Pennsylvania's middle schoolers as they prepare to take part in National Engineers Week Foundation’s 2009-10 Future City Competition. Registration deadline for schools nationwide is October 31.
Now entering its 18th year, Future City Competition invites seventh and eighth graders nationwide to create the cities of tomorrow and encourages interest in science, technology, engineering and math through hands-on applications.
For information, school registration, or to volunteer, visit the Future City Competition website or contact Central Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator Bill Sutton at 717-319-3409 or send email to:
That’s the challenge for Central Pennsylvania's middle schoolers as they prepare to take part in National Engineers Week Foundation’s 2009-10 Future City Competition. Registration deadline for schools nationwide is October 31.
Now entering its 18th year, Future City Competition invites seventh and eighth graders nationwide to create the cities of tomorrow and encourages interest in science, technology, engineering and math through hands-on applications.
For information, school registration, or to volunteer, visit the Future City Competition website or contact Central Pennsylvania Regional Coordinator Bill Sutton at 717-319-3409 or send email to:
5th Annual PA Greenways & Trails Summit To Be Held Sept. 27-29
The 5th Annual PA Greenways & Trails Summit will be held September 27-29 at the Blair County Convention Center in Altoona. This year's theme is "Connecting Communities Through Recreation and Heritage."
The summit includes tours and mobile workshops. The cost for the conference is $99 for the full Summit.
For more information and how to register or how to be a sponsor, visit the PA Recreation and Park Society website.
The summit includes tours and mobile workshops. The cost for the conference is $99 for the full Summit.
For more information and how to register or how to be a sponsor, visit the PA Recreation and Park Society website.
Fourth Annual Susquehanna River Symposium Set For Sept. 25-26
Bucknell University will be hosting the annual Susquehanna River Symposium on September 25-26, with this year's theme "Cultures at the Confluence: Native Americans, Ecology, and the Susquehanna Valley."
The symposium will include a series of panels, beginning at 3 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. on Saturday, on topics related to past, present and future presence and influence of Native American culture on the region and efforts to highlight this heritage.
The program will also include a Saturday evening performance by the Northeastern Indian dance troupe Native Nations, and an optional afternoon trip to the nationally historic Confluence of the Susquehanna River just south of Bucknell, site of Chief Shikellamy’s old Shamokin community, and focus of research to be discussed at the symposium.
For more information, visit Susquehanna River Symposium webpage.
The symposium will include a series of panels, beginning at 3 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. on Saturday, on topics related to past, present and future presence and influence of Native American culture on the region and efforts to highlight this heritage.
The program will also include a Saturday evening performance by the Northeastern Indian dance troupe Native Nations, and an optional afternoon trip to the nationally historic Confluence of the Susquehanna River just south of Bucknell, site of Chief Shikellamy’s old Shamokin community, and focus of research to be discussed at the symposium.
For more information, visit Susquehanna River Symposium webpage.
Wildlands Conservancy Seeks 2009 Ark Award Nominations
Wildlands Conservancy is looking to recognize one of the Lehigh Valley’s pre-eminent businesses that accomplish its work in a environmentally sustainable manner with this year’s Ark Award.
The deadline for nominations is September 4.
The Ark Award derives its name from the watercraft – the ark – that first carried coal to market on the Lehigh River in 1820. Arks floated down the river on the surge of water created by an innovative “bear-trap” locking system that significantly contributed to the start of the Lehigh Valley’s own Industrial Revolution 190 years ago.
This accolade is sponsored by Air Products and will be awarded at the Environmental Innovation Conference on September 17.
Nominations may be submitted by providing one-page summary of the nominee’s accomplishments and justification for receiving the award. Contact information for the nominee and the group or individual making the nomination should be included.
Send the information to Ark Award Nomination Committee, c/o Wildlands Conservancy, 3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, PA 18049 or send an email to:
The deadline for nominations is September 4.
The Ark Award derives its name from the watercraft – the ark – that first carried coal to market on the Lehigh River in 1820. Arks floated down the river on the surge of water created by an innovative “bear-trap” locking system that significantly contributed to the start of the Lehigh Valley’s own Industrial Revolution 190 years ago.
This accolade is sponsored by Air Products and will be awarded at the Environmental Innovation Conference on September 17.
Nominations may be submitted by providing one-page summary of the nominee’s accomplishments and justification for receiving the award. Contact information for the nominee and the group or individual making the nomination should be included.
Send the information to Ark Award Nomination Committee, c/o Wildlands Conservancy, 3701 Orchid Place, Emmaus, PA 18049 or send an email to:
Wednesday NewsClips
Senate Republicans Sour On Plan To Expand Sales Tax
M. Nigh Shyamalan Moves Film Production Due To Budget Impasse
Valley West Nile Program Cut
Students Explore Specialized Environment Provided At Unity School
Honesdale Sewer Plant Ground Breaking Set
DEP Drilling Water Discharge Permits Planned
American Chemical Society Notes Titusville's Drake Well
The Green Tree Run Flooding
Cash For Greener Appliances Follows Clunkers Program
PA Gets Weatherization Funds Held Up By Impasse
Upper Moreland Looks Into Solar Power Conversion
Rain Gardens Improve Stormwater Management In Allegheny County
Carbon County Trails Project Should Be Completed Soon
Recycling Efforts Rewarded In Middletown
State Hears Tier Views On Natural Gas Drilling
Federal Grant Will Assist Forty Fort Recycling Efforts
Increased Development Poses Challenges For Horse Shoe Trail
M. Nigh Shyamalan Moves Film Production Due To Budget Impasse
Valley West Nile Program Cut
Students Explore Specialized Environment Provided At Unity School
Honesdale Sewer Plant Ground Breaking Set
DEP Drilling Water Discharge Permits Planned
American Chemical Society Notes Titusville's Drake Well
The Green Tree Run Flooding
Cash For Greener Appliances Follows Clunkers Program
PA Gets Weatherization Funds Held Up By Impasse
Upper Moreland Looks Into Solar Power Conversion
Rain Gardens Improve Stormwater Management In Allegheny County
Carbon County Trails Project Should Be Completed Soon
Recycling Efforts Rewarded In Middletown
State Hears Tier Views On Natural Gas Drilling
Federal Grant Will Assist Forty Fort Recycling Efforts
Increased Development Poses Challenges For Horse Shoe Trail
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Take Part In The Second Annual Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge
Launched in 2008, the Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge builds awareness of the exceptional outdoor recreational opportunities available in Pennsylvania, as well as raises funds for work in state parks and state forests.
Between September 11 and October 11, help the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation to virtually hike, bike, walk, swim, ride, or paddle the approximately 30,000 miles of trails in Pennsylvania.
According the PPFF President Marci Mowery, “We know that not many of us have the time to walk ALL of the 30,000 miles, but collectively and virtually we can. Participants set a personal goal—mine is 350 miles of biking, paddling, walking and hiking—for what they think they can accomplish during the month-long event.”
Participants register their event for a $25 fee and receive a GPOC bandana and an Odwalla bar, and be eligible to win some great prizes. Participants can then step it up a notch and raise funds for their favorite park, forest, friends group, project, or for the Foundation by creating their own personal fundraising webpage.
Partiicpants keep track of their miles by Downloading the mileage tracker—either as a PDF or an Excel spreadsheet—at the PA Parks and Forests Foundation website and start tracking their movement. Anything counts! Walk the dog, bike to do your errands, or head out to one of our parks and forests and paddle, hike, or join a program.
What's on your personal outdoor challenge list?
There is so much to see and do in Pennsylvania that folks will have no trouble finding trails to walk or programs to do. Throughout Pennsylvania, specific Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge events will be taking place. These events are open to anyone.
To kick off the Challenge, join the Foundation on September 12 at 10 a.m.t the trailhead for the Doc Goddard Trail at Willow Park in Camp Hill.
Maurice “Doc” Goddard, known as the father of the Pennsylvania Park System, resided for many years in Camp Hill. To honor his contribution to the growth of the Pennsylvania park system, the challenge begins with a walk on this easy trail that meanders through the borough.
“Now, more than ever, we need to show our support for Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests by not only using them, but by demonstrating our support through action,” says Mowery.
Sponsors include Columbia Gas Of Pennsylvania and Clemens Family Corporation. Prize Donors: REI, Inc, Berry Patch Products, Metro Bank, Odwalla, Pa Parks and Forests Foundation
Proceeds benefit the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation and Pennsylvania state parks and forests.
Between September 11 and October 11, help the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation to virtually hike, bike, walk, swim, ride, or paddle the approximately 30,000 miles of trails in Pennsylvania.
According the PPFF President Marci Mowery, “We know that not many of us have the time to walk ALL of the 30,000 miles, but collectively and virtually we can. Participants set a personal goal—mine is 350 miles of biking, paddling, walking and hiking—for what they think they can accomplish during the month-long event.”
Participants register their event for a $25 fee and receive a GPOC bandana and an Odwalla bar, and be eligible to win some great prizes. Participants can then step it up a notch and raise funds for their favorite park, forest, friends group, project, or for the Foundation by creating their own personal fundraising webpage.
Partiicpants keep track of their miles by Downloading the mileage tracker—either as a PDF or an Excel spreadsheet—at the PA Parks and Forests Foundation website and start tracking their movement. Anything counts! Walk the dog, bike to do your errands, or head out to one of our parks and forests and paddle, hike, or join a program.
What's on your personal outdoor challenge list?
There is so much to see and do in Pennsylvania that folks will have no trouble finding trails to walk or programs to do. Throughout Pennsylvania, specific Great Pennsylvania Outdoor Challenge events will be taking place. These events are open to anyone.
To kick off the Challenge, join the Foundation on September 12 at 10 a.m.t the trailhead for the Doc Goddard Trail at Willow Park in Camp Hill.
Maurice “Doc” Goddard, known as the father of the Pennsylvania Park System, resided for many years in Camp Hill. To honor his contribution to the growth of the Pennsylvania park system, the challenge begins with a walk on this easy trail that meanders through the borough.
“Now, more than ever, we need to show our support for Pennsylvania’s state parks and forests by not only using them, but by demonstrating our support through action,” says Mowery.
Sponsors include Columbia Gas Of Pennsylvania and Clemens Family Corporation. Prize Donors: REI, Inc, Berry Patch Products, Metro Bank, Odwalla, Pa Parks and Forests Foundation
Proceeds benefit the Pennsylvania Parks and Forests Foundation and Pennsylvania state parks and forests.
Lehigh County Extension Native Plant Identification Workshop Sept. 8, 15
Lehigh County Extension is sponsoring a workshop for landscape, nursery and gardening professionals on the identification and use of native plants September 8 and 15 at the Pool Wildlife Sanctuary in Emmaus, Pa.
With more and more landscape and gardening customers asking about native plants it is important for landscape and gardening professionals to have the latest information available.
In this two-day course, participants will concentrate on trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants considered native to Southeastern Pa and on providing practical information on plants readily available in the nursery trade and new plants to propagate.
The instructor for the course is Dr. David Sanford, Professor of Horticulture, Penn State University. The program fee is $70, which includes lunches and handouts. The deadline for registration is September 1.
Download a brochure on the event. For more information, contact Emelie Swackhamer 610-509-2469 or 610-391-9840 or send email to: .
With more and more landscape and gardening customers asking about native plants it is important for landscape and gardening professionals to have the latest information available.
In this two-day course, participants will concentrate on trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants considered native to Southeastern Pa and on providing practical information on plants readily available in the nursery trade and new plants to propagate.
The instructor for the course is Dr. David Sanford, Professor of Horticulture, Penn State University. The program fee is $70, which includes lunches and handouts. The deadline for registration is September 1.
Download a brochure on the event. For more information, contact Emelie Swackhamer 610-509-2469 or 610-391-9840 or send email to: .
Sen. White Urges DEP To Reconsider Discontinuing West Nile Virus Program
Sen. Mary Jo White (R-Venango), Majority Chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, wrote to DEP Secretary John Hanger on Monday asking his agency to reconsider suspending the comprehensive West Nile Virus Program.
In the letter, Sen. White said, "As you know, West Nile virus is a potentially fatal disease that has been detected in over 20 counties so far this year. The first human case was confirmed earlier this month. As DEP has noted, the number of human West Nile virus cases has decreased substantially in recent years. No doubt, this reduction is in large part due to enhanced public awareness and an aggressive prevention and control spraying program. I strongly suggest that now – in the midst of higher temperatures and relatively high rainfall in much of the state – is the most inopportune time to discontinue funding for this program. Doing so only increases the public health risk facing Pennsylvanians.
"The Department has claimed that the program must be suspended until a final state budget is approved by the General Assembly. I strongly disagree with this assertion. For starters, Governor Rendell had before him recently Senate Bill 850, which appropriated $5.193 million for the West Nile virus program. Yet, the Governor chose to veto $3.610 million of this appropriation. This reflects a conscious decision by the Governor to reject spending authority for a critical and time-sensitive program."
(Click here to read entire letter. Click here to see DEP's announcement.)
In the letter, Sen. White said, "As you know, West Nile virus is a potentially fatal disease that has been detected in over 20 counties so far this year. The first human case was confirmed earlier this month. As DEP has noted, the number of human West Nile virus cases has decreased substantially in recent years. No doubt, this reduction is in large part due to enhanced public awareness and an aggressive prevention and control spraying program. I strongly suggest that now – in the midst of higher temperatures and relatively high rainfall in much of the state – is the most inopportune time to discontinue funding for this program. Doing so only increases the public health risk facing Pennsylvanians.
"The Department has claimed that the program must be suspended until a final state budget is approved by the General Assembly. I strongly disagree with this assertion. For starters, Governor Rendell had before him recently Senate Bill 850, which appropriated $5.193 million for the West Nile virus program. Yet, the Governor chose to veto $3.610 million of this appropriation. This reflects a conscious decision by the Governor to reject spending authority for a critical and time-sensitive program."
(Click here to read entire letter. Click here to see DEP's announcement.)
Tuesday NewsClips
Rendell Claims Progress On State Budget, GOP Bets To Differ
Rendell Promises Progress Made In Budget
Rendell: Widen Sales Tax To Ease Budget Crunch
Wetland Mitigation In The Brandywine Creek Watershed
Proposal Shortens Heating Aid Program
PA Asks U.S. For $28 million For High-Speed Rail
Factory Farms Subject Of Forum In Lehigh Township
Stricter Scrutiny Of Forest Drilling Threatens Livelihoods
Energy Saving Workshop In Towanda
Abandoned Mine Drainage Workshops Are Overcoming AMD Apathy
CREP Buffers, Landowners Can Help Improve Fish, Wildlife Habitat
Lycoming County Clean Water Interns Complete Watershed Assessment
Frequent Recycling In Quakertown Could Earn Cash
Wilkes-Barre Residents Want Money To Fund Green Projects
Wayne County Residents Above World's Largest Gas Reserve
Big Push For Natural Gas Development Occurs In Wayne County
Rendell Promises Progress Made In Budget
Rendell: Widen Sales Tax To Ease Budget Crunch
Wetland Mitigation In The Brandywine Creek Watershed
Proposal Shortens Heating Aid Program
PA Asks U.S. For $28 million For High-Speed Rail
Factory Farms Subject Of Forum In Lehigh Township
Stricter Scrutiny Of Forest Drilling Threatens Livelihoods
Energy Saving Workshop In Towanda
Abandoned Mine Drainage Workshops Are Overcoming AMD Apathy
CREP Buffers, Landowners Can Help Improve Fish, Wildlife Habitat
Lycoming County Clean Water Interns Complete Watershed Assessment
Frequent Recycling In Quakertown Could Earn Cash
Wilkes-Barre Residents Want Money To Fund Green Projects
Wayne County Residents Above World's Largest Gas Reserve
Big Push For Natural Gas Development Occurs In Wayne County
Monday, August 24, 2009
Monday NewsClips
Programs From Education To Farming Feel Pain Of PA Budget Impasse
Op-Ed: We Can't Cut Our Way Out Of Our Budget Problems, Rep. Evans
High Demand, Dim Future For Transit
Venture Outdoors A Model Program
Editorial: WV Needs To Learn Some Air Pollution Limits
Obscure, Unsung Genius Of PA's Early Oil Boom
5 Year Wait For Sunbury Riverfront Project Almost Over
Perkasie Approves Green Ordinance
2,000 Attend Rally For Natural Gas Drilling
Energy Summit Explores Money Saving Options For Businesses, Individuals
Op-Ed: We Can't Cut Our Way Out Of Our Budget Problems, Rep. Evans
High Demand, Dim Future For Transit
Venture Outdoors A Model Program
Editorial: WV Needs To Learn Some Air Pollution Limits
Obscure, Unsung Genius Of PA's Early Oil Boom
5 Year Wait For Sunbury Riverfront Project Almost Over
Perkasie Approves Green Ordinance
2,000 Attend Rally For Natural Gas Drilling
Energy Summit Explores Money Saving Options For Businesses, Individuals
Sunday, August 23, 2009
List of Gov. Rendell's Environmental Budget Line Item Vetoes
In response to requests about environmental line item vetoes, here's the background.
On August 5 Gov. Rendell signed Senate Bill 850 as a bridge budget, but used his line item veto authority to eliminate all funding from the bill that was not related to paying state workers or needed to ensure public safety. (list of all vetoes)
Vetoed in the bill were all the funding for the departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources and their supporting agencies like county conservation districts, except for personnel costs. Click here for a list of vetoed items related to the environment.
On August 5 Gov. Rendell signed Senate Bill 850 as a bridge budget, but used his line item veto authority to eliminate all funding from the bill that was not related to paying state workers or needed to ensure public safety. (list of all vetoes)
Vetoed in the bill were all the funding for the departments of Agriculture, Environmental Protection and Conservation and Natural Resources and their supporting agencies like county conservation districts, except for personnel costs. Click here for a list of vetoed items related to the environment.
Sunday NewsClips
A Decade of Growing Greener- Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team
Budget Battle Grinds On With No End In Sight
State Agencies Feel Impact Of No Budget
Seeming Lack Of Budget Urgency
Smart Grids Can Give People Power To Save Money
Op-Ed: Abandoned Mines Lurk As Hazards In PA
Hard To Recycle Event Sept. 12 In Mt. Pleasant Township
Editorial: Greenpeace Leader Admits Global Warming Exaggeration
Island Classroom, Land Trust Has Plans For Sycamore Island
Editorial: Nature Deficit May Be Abating
Budget Battle Grinds On With No End In Sight
State Agencies Feel Impact Of No Budget
Seeming Lack Of Budget Urgency
Smart Grids Can Give People Power To Save Money
Op-Ed: Abandoned Mines Lurk As Hazards In PA
Hard To Recycle Event Sept. 12 In Mt. Pleasant Township
Editorial: Greenpeace Leader Admits Global Warming Exaggeration
Island Classroom, Land Trust Has Plans For Sycamore Island
Editorial: Nature Deficit May Be Abating
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Saturday NewsClips
DEP Will End Comprehensvie West Nile Virus Spraying Due To Zeroed Budget
Day 53: Capitol Leaders To Continue Budget Talks
Rep: To Solve Budget, Sequester PA Leaders
Editorial: Let's Hope PA Doesn't Win This Budget Race
Rivers Stay Tame Amid Plentiful Rain
15 Communities To Get Sewer Repairs
DEP Sues Companies, Carnegie Mellon University To Clean Up Landfill
Day 53: Capitol Leaders To Continue Budget Talks
Rep: To Solve Budget, Sequester PA Leaders
Editorial: Let's Hope PA Doesn't Win This Budget Race
Rivers Stay Tame Amid Plentiful Rain
15 Communities To Get Sewer Repairs
DEP Sues Companies, Carnegie Mellon University To Clean Up Landfill
Friday, August 21, 2009
Aug. 24 PA Environment Digest Now Available

The August 24 PA Environment Digest is now available. Click here to print this Digest.
Selected Headlines--
Frustration: No Conference Committee, No Veto Override, No Budget
DEP Will End Comprehensive West Nile Virus Spraying Due To Zeroed Budget
Call To Action - Action Needed Now To Save Watershed Specialists
A Decade Of Growing Greener - Kiski-Conemaugh Stream Team
Submissions For Growing Greener Anniversary Grants Due September 20
Giant Eagle Recognized For Recycling Over 42,555 Tons Of Paper, Cardboard
Joint Conservation Committee August Environmental Synopsis Newsletter Now Available
EPA Launches Chesapeake Bay TMDL Watershed Cleanup Plan Website
Biomass, Reclaimed Mined Land Field Day October 6 In Schuylkill County
DEP To Hold Public Meetings/Hearings On Two Natural Gas Drilling Permit Applications
DEP Reschedules Terraqua Drilling Water Treatment Permit Hearing For September 30
Central Susquehanna Oil & Gas Expo Set For September 19
$6.1 Million In Stimulus Funds Will Clean Up Underground Tanks
Onorato Announces $4.4 Million in Stimulus Funds for Sewer Repair Projects
Water Resources Education Network Grant Applications Due September 30
DEP Invites Applications For Coastal Zone Protection Grants
Materials Posted From June Water Resources Education Conference
Green Building Council Forming In Northeast PA
EPA Guidebook To Encourage Smarter Community Design And Healthier Living For Seniors
DEP Awards $357,000 In Annual Environmental Education Grants
DEP, Partners To Offer Environmental Education Grant Writing Workshops
PA Institute For Conservation Education Sets Fall Environmental Ed Seminars
PA Land Conservation Conference Seeking Workshop Proposals
Workshops On Enhancing Waste Services, Improving Quality Of Life Set
PROP Offers Recycling Management Certification Courses
PA Resources Council Environmental Ed, Recycling, Watershed Activities Highlighted
Save The Date: PA Resources Council 70th Anniversary Dinner Celebration Nov. 12
Onorato Announces Green Lighting Project At Pittsburgh International Airport
Aztec Solar Power Creates Solar Education Opportunity For Philadelphia Area Children
PUC Special Hearing To Help Consumers Prepare Now For Winter Heatiing Costs
Most Electric, Natural Gas Customers Satisfied With Utility Customer Service In 2008
GreenFest Philadelphia Set For September 13
Centre County Grange Fair Goes Green August 26-September 3
Asian Longhorned Beetle Seeks To Invade PA, Public Urged To Help Keep It Out
Opportunity To Bid On DEP Projects In Allegheny And Erie Counties
Feature - Summer Interns Get Valuable Experience In Stream Restoration
Grants & Awards
Central Susquehanna Oil & Gas Expo Set For September 19
A special Central Susquehanna Oil and Gas Expo will be held on September 19 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Lycoming County Fairgrounds.
The development of the Marcellus Shale has opened an opportunity for local business owners as well as aspiring entrepreneurs to explore the opportunities that exist within the gas play. The Central Susquehanna Oil and Gas Expo will bring together the oil and gas industry and local businesses to facilitate this process.
A dinner and networking session will follow the Expo at DiSalvo's Restaurant in Williamsport.
For more information on sponsorships, exhibits and more, visit the Oil and Gas Expo webpage.
The development of the Marcellus Shale has opened an opportunity for local business owners as well as aspiring entrepreneurs to explore the opportunities that exist within the gas play. The Central Susquehanna Oil and Gas Expo will bring together the oil and gas industry and local businesses to facilitate this process.
A dinner and networking session will follow the Expo at DiSalvo's Restaurant in Williamsport.
For more information on sponsorships, exhibits and more, visit the Oil and Gas Expo webpage.
DEP To End Comprehensive West Nile Virus Spraying Due To Budget Impasse
The Department of Environmental Protection announced today it will end comprehensive mosquito spraying operations to suppress the West Nile encephalitis, a sometimes fatal disease, on September 1 due to Gov. Rendell's action zeroing out the appropriation as part of the selective veto of the Senate Bill 850 bridge budget.
DEP also said it would end grant funding for West Nile Virus county programs as well in 36 counties, but will continue funding in 31 counties through the end of 2009.
DEP will provide limited monitoring in the areas where grant funding has been eliminated that have historically been associated with West Nile transmission. If mosquitoes in these areas are found to carry the virus, the department will take necessary measures to reduce the mosquito population through either larval or adult mosquito control.
In the meantime, DEP urged Pennsylvanians to take precautions to reduce the threat of West Nile virus. (See full announcement)
Gov. Rendell requested $4.25 million in funding for the West Nile Virus Program and Senate Bill 850 included $5.1 million. (Click here for a list of all environmental line items vetoed by Gov. Rendell)
DEP also said it would end grant funding for West Nile Virus county programs as well in 36 counties, but will continue funding in 31 counties through the end of 2009.
DEP will provide limited monitoring in the areas where grant funding has been eliminated that have historically been associated with West Nile transmission. If mosquitoes in these areas are found to carry the virus, the department will take necessary measures to reduce the mosquito population through either larval or adult mosquito control.
In the meantime, DEP urged Pennsylvanians to take precautions to reduce the threat of West Nile virus. (See full announcement)
Gov. Rendell requested $4.25 million in funding for the West Nile Virus Program and Senate Bill 850 included $5.1 million. (Click here for a list of all environmental line items vetoed by Gov. Rendell)
DEP Invites Applications For Coastal Zone Protection Grants
The Department of Environmental Protection is now accepting applications for Coastal Zone Protection Grants through October 23. (formal notice)
Eligible applicants include a nonprofit organization or an educational institution located within the two defined Coastal Zone geographic areas of the State, the Delaware Estuary and Lake Erie Coastal Zones. Proposals must also support the Coastal Zone Program's mission to protect and enhance Pennsylvania's coastal resources.
All applications for Coastal Zone Management Program grants must be submitted electronically through the eGrants system. Register yourself as a user by clicking the Log In/Register link, click on Find a Grant to find this grant opportunity and then select the option to Apply for This Grant. eGrants will guide you through the process of starting your electronic grant application.
Grant Workshops
Public informational sessions on the new electronic grants system will be held in both coastal zones. The first session will be held at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Room 108 in Erie on September 3 at 1 p.m. The address is 301 Peninsula Drive, Erie, PA 16505.
The second session will be held at the Philadelphia State Office Building, Betsy Ross Room 6069 on Tuesday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. The address is 801 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. A demonstration of the system will be provided, followed by an opportunity for questions.
Eligible applicants include a nonprofit organization or an educational institution located within the two defined Coastal Zone geographic areas of the State, the Delaware Estuary and Lake Erie Coastal Zones. Proposals must also support the Coastal Zone Program's mission to protect and enhance Pennsylvania's coastal resources.
All applications for Coastal Zone Management Program grants must be submitted electronically through the eGrants system. Register yourself as a user by clicking the Log In/Register link, click on Find a Grant to find this grant opportunity and then select the option to Apply for This Grant. eGrants will guide you through the process of starting your electronic grant application.
Grant Workshops
Public informational sessions on the new electronic grants system will be held in both coastal zones. The first session will be held at the Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Room 108 in Erie on September 3 at 1 p.m. The address is 301 Peninsula Drive, Erie, PA 16505.
The second session will be held at the Philadelphia State Office Building, Betsy Ross Room 6069 on Tuesday, September 8 at 9:30 a.m. The address is 801 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. A demonstration of the system will be provided, followed by an opportunity for questions.
Friday NewsClips
It's Been 52 Days, So Where's The Urgency On Budget?
PA Budget Impasse Kills Some Pest-Spraying Programs
Scranton Sewer Authority Missed Out On Stimulus Money
Flood Assistance Approved For Southeast PA
Projects To Repair Flood Damage at Delaware Water Gap
Northampton County Cuts Deal To Contain Power Costs
PA Budget Impasse Kills Some Pest-Spraying Programs
Scranton Sewer Authority Missed Out On Stimulus Money
Flood Assistance Approved For Southeast PA
Projects To Repair Flood Damage at Delaware Water Gap
Northampton County Cuts Deal To Contain Power Costs
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Thursday NewsClips
Budget Veto Override Fails In Senate
Boscola Only Democrat To Defy Rendell As Senate Fails To Override Vetoes
Senate Rejects Attempt To Override Budget Veto
Efficient LED Lights Will Save Airport $158,000
$1.2 Million Sent Down Riverwalk
Editorial: Waterfront's New Start
Wind Turbine Transports Raise Concern
Sen. Yaw Comments On Gas Issues
Pipeline Company Sets Up Shop Near Wyalusing
Tamaqua Voters To Get Their Say In Dam Projects' Financing
Solar Panel Regulations Adopted
Boscola Only Democrat To Defy Rendell As Senate Fails To Override Vetoes
Senate Rejects Attempt To Override Budget Veto
Efficient LED Lights Will Save Airport $158,000
$1.2 Million Sent Down Riverwalk
Editorial: Waterfront's New Start
Wind Turbine Transports Raise Concern
Sen. Yaw Comments On Gas Issues
Pipeline Company Sets Up Shop Near Wyalusing
Tamaqua Voters To Get Their Say In Dam Projects' Financing
Solar Panel Regulations Adopted
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Wednesday NewsClips
Senate Republicans Want $2.1 Billion In Spending Restored
GOP Senators Out To Override Rendell's Spending Vetoes
Republicans Hope To Override Rendell Budget Vetoes
State Regulators Say Dissolved Solids In Mon Exceeded Acceptable Levels
Leaking Underground Tanks To Be Repaired
Pitt Study Warns Common Pesticide May Be Dangerous
Editorial: Our Waterfront Views
This Season, Few Flybys By Butterflies
Hands Needed For Penns Creek Project, Centre County
Butler Township Rejects Turbines Again
Farm's Environmental Efforts Earn Award
North Strabane Develops Ordinance To Regulate Wind Turbines
Brownfield Cleanups Receive Some Green
GOP Senators Out To Override Rendell's Spending Vetoes
Republicans Hope To Override Rendell Budget Vetoes
State Regulators Say Dissolved Solids In Mon Exceeded Acceptable Levels
Leaking Underground Tanks To Be Repaired
Pitt Study Warns Common Pesticide May Be Dangerous
Editorial: Our Waterfront Views
This Season, Few Flybys By Butterflies
Hands Needed For Penns Creek Project, Centre County
Butler Township Rejects Turbines Again
Farm's Environmental Efforts Earn Award
North Strabane Develops Ordinance To Regulate Wind Turbines
Brownfield Cleanups Receive Some Green
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Action Needed Now To Save Watershed Specialists
by Andy McAllister, Watershed Coordinator
Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
The County Conservation District Watershed Specialists have been a vital force in Pennsylvania's watershed movement for nearly 10 years, providing much needed environmental services in their counties and saving the state millions of dollars in project costs, in part by locating matching funding and in-kind contributions for environmental projects.
Whether it's fighting Abandoned Mine Drainage, restoring streamside vegetation, or reducing water pollution caused by agricultural or urban runoff, our Watershed Specialists have been instrumental in many of Pennsylvania's environmental successes.
Perhaps one of the most important roles they fulfill is giving watershed groups the tools and support to become more effective environmental ambassadors in their community... local folks tackling local environmental problems with local solutions. How great is that?
But there's a fly in the proverbial ointment. A large portion of the Watershed Specialist program funding comes directly from Growing Greener, the sweeping environmental legislation originally enacted in 1999.
Funding for several perennial Growing Greener programs, including the Watershed Specialist positions, has been mandated only through 2010, when Growing Greener is slated to end. The future of the Watershed Specialist program is in jeopardy.
Speaking plainly, if action isn't taken in Harrisburg, there will be NO further Watershed Specialist action. After all of the environmental successes over the past 10 years and after all of the hard work, we don't think that program should end. You probably don't either.
The Pennsylvania General Assembly (our state senators and representatives) need to hear that the County Watershed Specialist program is important and effective and deserves dedicated funding.
You can help. There is no one better than you to let your local legislators know what you think. Call them, write them, email them, or yes, personally visit them. Tell them how important the environment is to you. Let them know we NEED our County Watershed Specialists to continue Pennsylvania's environmental success! Let them know NOW!
There are several ways to communicate with your legislators directly or through their aides. Some of these methods carry more weight than others.
Face-to-Face meeting: A face-to-face meeting is the best way to communicate your views. Many legislators are impressed when you take the time to visit them (or their aides) personally to share your views. Set up an appointment at their local office to discuss your views.
Writing a letter: Taking the time to craft your own letter is a great way of getting your legislator's attention to matters that are important to you. Printing and signing a form letter also communicates your opinions however, form letters are increasingly being seen as "Astroturf" instead of "Grassroots."
Often, legislators are impressed when they receive just a handful of handwritten letters or emails on one topic because most people don't take the time to write their legislators.
Phone call: While not always as effective as a letter, expressing your opinions to either your legislator or their aide via phone call is still a good way of getting your opinions heard.
To find your legislator, go to the General Assembly's website and enter your zipcode. Follow the link to your legislator's webpage to find contact information.
Here are some talking points that may help you craft your own letter.
-- The County Watershed Specialists have been instrumental in the improvement of Pennsylvania's environment by:
-- Securing millions of dollars of matching funds and in-kind contributions for Growing Greener projects thereby increasing Growing Greener's effectiveness by stretching our state dollars even further.
-- Ensuring project success by serving as project managers.
-- Acting as liaisons between watershed groups and various state agencies, improving communication and understanding between state government and its citizens.
-- Educating citizens about the value of a healthy environment and ways to improve water quality.
-- Working with citizens and municipalities to find local solutions for local environmental problems.
As most of our readership knows, our Watershed Specialists are an asset to Pennsylvania. In a 2006 Press Release, Gov. Rendell commented about the value of the Watershed Specialists:
"Local efforts are absolutely essential to the Growing Greener partnership. Watershed Specialists are an invaluable connection to restoring watersheds and promoting environmental protection at the local level - helping us achieve continued success in cleaning up the environment and revitalizing our local communities."
We understand that the DEP is generally supportive of the Watershed Specialist program. However, it certainly couldn't hurt to let DEP Secretary John Hanger know that you are behind them.
Secretary John Hanger, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
If we are to continue restoring Pennsylvania's watersheds and promoting environmental protection at the local level, we need to keep our Watershed Specialists. Please consider writing your legislators and Secretary Hanger to tell them how important our Watershed Specialists are and that we need to find a way to keep that program funded.
This call to action was posted on the Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation Abandoned Mine Posts webpage.
Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation
The County Conservation District Watershed Specialists have been a vital force in Pennsylvania's watershed movement for nearly 10 years, providing much needed environmental services in their counties and saving the state millions of dollars in project costs, in part by locating matching funding and in-kind contributions for environmental projects.
Whether it's fighting Abandoned Mine Drainage, restoring streamside vegetation, or reducing water pollution caused by agricultural or urban runoff, our Watershed Specialists have been instrumental in many of Pennsylvania's environmental successes.
Perhaps one of the most important roles they fulfill is giving watershed groups the tools and support to become more effective environmental ambassadors in their community... local folks tackling local environmental problems with local solutions. How great is that?
But there's a fly in the proverbial ointment. A large portion of the Watershed Specialist program funding comes directly from Growing Greener, the sweeping environmental legislation originally enacted in 1999.
Funding for several perennial Growing Greener programs, including the Watershed Specialist positions, has been mandated only through 2010, when Growing Greener is slated to end. The future of the Watershed Specialist program is in jeopardy.
Speaking plainly, if action isn't taken in Harrisburg, there will be NO further Watershed Specialist action. After all of the environmental successes over the past 10 years and after all of the hard work, we don't think that program should end. You probably don't either.
The Pennsylvania General Assembly (our state senators and representatives) need to hear that the County Watershed Specialist program is important and effective and deserves dedicated funding.
You can help. There is no one better than you to let your local legislators know what you think. Call them, write them, email them, or yes, personally visit them. Tell them how important the environment is to you. Let them know we NEED our County Watershed Specialists to continue Pennsylvania's environmental success! Let them know NOW!
There are several ways to communicate with your legislators directly or through their aides. Some of these methods carry more weight than others.
Face-to-Face meeting: A face-to-face meeting is the best way to communicate your views. Many legislators are impressed when you take the time to visit them (or their aides) personally to share your views. Set up an appointment at their local office to discuss your views.
Writing a letter: Taking the time to craft your own letter is a great way of getting your legislator's attention to matters that are important to you. Printing and signing a form letter also communicates your opinions however, form letters are increasingly being seen as "Astroturf" instead of "Grassroots."
Often, legislators are impressed when they receive just a handful of handwritten letters or emails on one topic because most people don't take the time to write their legislators.
Phone call: While not always as effective as a letter, expressing your opinions to either your legislator or their aide via phone call is still a good way of getting your opinions heard.
To find your legislator, go to the General Assembly's website and enter your zipcode. Follow the link to your legislator's webpage to find contact information.
Here are some talking points that may help you craft your own letter.
-- The County Watershed Specialists have been instrumental in the improvement of Pennsylvania's environment by:
-- Securing millions of dollars of matching funds and in-kind contributions for Growing Greener projects thereby increasing Growing Greener's effectiveness by stretching our state dollars even further.
-- Ensuring project success by serving as project managers.
-- Acting as liaisons between watershed groups and various state agencies, improving communication and understanding between state government and its citizens.
-- Educating citizens about the value of a healthy environment and ways to improve water quality.
-- Working with citizens and municipalities to find local solutions for local environmental problems.
As most of our readership knows, our Watershed Specialists are an asset to Pennsylvania. In a 2006 Press Release, Gov. Rendell commented about the value of the Watershed Specialists:
"Local efforts are absolutely essential to the Growing Greener partnership. Watershed Specialists are an invaluable connection to restoring watersheds and promoting environmental protection at the local level - helping us achieve continued success in cleaning up the environment and revitalizing our local communities."
We understand that the DEP is generally supportive of the Watershed Specialist program. However, it certainly couldn't hurt to let DEP Secretary John Hanger know that you are behind them.
Secretary John Hanger, Department of Environmental Protection, Rachel Carson State Office Building, 400 Market Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101
If we are to continue restoring Pennsylvania's watersheds and promoting environmental protection at the local level, we need to keep our Watershed Specialists. Please consider writing your legislators and Secretary Hanger to tell them how important our Watershed Specialists are and that we need to find a way to keep that program funded.
This call to action was posted on the Western PA Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation Abandoned Mine Posts webpage.
DEP Reschedules Terraqua Industrial Waste Discharge Permit Application Hearing
The Department of Environmental Protection will conduct a public hearing at 7 p.m. on September 30, to accept testimony on an industrial waste discharge permit application submitted by TerrAqua Resource Management LLC to treat and discharge 400,000 gallons per day of gas well drilling wastewater to the West Branch of the Susquehanna River in Williamsport. (click here for full announcement)
Environmental Ed Grant Workshops Scheduled
The Department of Environmental Protection and its partners — the Department of Education, Wildwood Park, Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force and the Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at St. Vincent College — will offer three workshops, “Successful Environmental Education Grant Writing Strategies,” to be held on the following dates and locations across the state:
-- September 2 Wildwood Park’s Benjamin Olewine III Nature Center, Harrisburg, in partnership with Wildwood Park;
-- October 5 Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie, in partnership with the Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force: and
-- October 22 Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, in partnership with WPNR at St. Vincent College. (click here for full announcement)
-- September 2 Wildwood Park’s Benjamin Olewine III Nature Center, Harrisburg, in partnership with Wildwood Park;
-- October 5 Tom Ridge Environmental Center, Erie, in partnership with the Lake Erie-Allegheny Earth Force: and
-- October 22 Winnie Palmer Nature Reserve at St. Vincent College, Latrobe, in partnership with WPNR at St. Vincent College. (click here for full announcement)
PA Resources Council 2008 Annual Report Posted
The Pennsylvania Resources Council posted its 2008 Annual Report highlighting the environmental education, recycling, beautification and anti-litter activities of the group.
Featured in the report are the Pittsburgh "Redd Up" Program, billboard issues in Delaware County, watershed awareness programs, the importance of organization sponsors and the Educational Improvement Tax Credit, consulting serves for businesses and municipalities, green energy educational partnership with Exelon, and the 2008 Going for the Green Environmental Awards. (click here for a copy of the report)
Featured in the report are the Pittsburgh "Redd Up" Program, billboard issues in Delaware County, watershed awareness programs, the importance of organization sponsors and the Educational Improvement Tax Credit, consulting serves for businesses and municipalities, green energy educational partnership with Exelon, and the 2008 Going for the Green Environmental Awards. (click here for a copy of the report)
Giant Eagle Recognized With Recycling Award

The company was featured in a video and web case study reviewing how the company recycled over 42,555 tons of mixed paper and cardboard at its headquarters, supermarkets, fuel states and retail support centers.
In 1972 Giant Eagle recognized the need for a paper recycling program throughout its corporately owned facilities. That same year the corporately owned supermarkets began baling corrugated cardboard for recycling. After achieving marked success, the program expanded in 1986 to include computer paper at corporate headquarters.
Today Giant Eagle recovers mixed office paper and corrugated cardboard at all of its offices, retail support centers, corporately owned supermarkets, and select fuel stations.
To further its commitment to recycling, Giant Eagle established the Utility and Recycling Initiative in 2007 to educate their supermarket team members on how to increase recycling volumes and reduce energy usage. Efforts to increase recycling volumes included capital expenditure technology improvements and a training and education program.
The video and more background are available on the Giant Eagle Case Study webpage. For more information, contact Nancy Day, Giant Eagle, 412-963-5900 or send email to:
Tuesday NewsClips
Less Talk, Less Action On PA Budget
No End In Sight As PA Budget Stalemate Enters 8th Week
Rendell Presses Lawmakers To Offer Budget
Jordan Creek's Waters To Flow Free
Clearfield Groups Work To lean Up Watersheds
Easton To Get $1 Million For Green Fix Ups
Stimulus Might Double State Weatherization Program
Philadelphia Names Waterfront Chief
Butterflies To Make Beeline For South
PA Outdoors: Folks See Bee Rise, Butterfly Decline
EPA Working To Resolve Interstate Water Issues
Shamokin Power Plant May Lay Of 83
Concrete Proof Of Gas Development Impact
A Sunshine State
Swarthmore Eyes Stormwater Solutions
A Clean Start For Natural Gas Drilling
East Goshen Residents Try To Preserve 200 Year Old Dam
No End In Sight As PA Budget Stalemate Enters 8th Week
Rendell Presses Lawmakers To Offer Budget
Jordan Creek's Waters To Flow Free
Clearfield Groups Work To lean Up Watersheds
Easton To Get $1 Million For Green Fix Ups
Stimulus Might Double State Weatherization Program
Philadelphia Names Waterfront Chief
Butterflies To Make Beeline For South
PA Outdoors: Folks See Bee Rise, Butterfly Decline
EPA Working To Resolve Interstate Water Issues
Shamokin Power Plant May Lay Of 83
Concrete Proof Of Gas Development Impact
A Sunshine State
Swarthmore Eyes Stormwater Solutions
A Clean Start For Natural Gas Drilling
East Goshen Residents Try To Preserve 200 Year Old Dam
Monday, August 17, 2009
Friends of Wissahickon, Wal-Mart Launch Conservation Leadership Corps

SCA students worked for seven weeks this summer in four parks, including the Wissahickon, where they restored trails and removed invasive plants, litter, and graffiti.
The Walmart Foundation is funding the program with a donation of $170,000.
Pictured here are Vincent Gaeta from SCA’s Wissahickon Crew repairing the path along the creek at Valley Green with a volunteer from Walmart. Storms earlier this month caused the banks of the creek to overflow, causing serious damage to the path along the creek in front of inn. (click here for more information from Friends of the Wissahickon)
Monday NewsClips
State Seeks Help On Mon Discharges
AMD Education Tour Takes Trip Along Anderson Creek Watershed
Coal Miners Remembered
Professor Takes Birds Under His Wing
Water Is Focus At Ag Progress Days
Natural Gas Industry Will Be Here For Decades
Editorial: Build Natural Gas Market, Impose Tax
Lewistown School District Looks At Energy Savings
AMD Education Tour Takes Trip Along Anderson Creek Watershed
Coal Miners Remembered
Professor Takes Birds Under His Wing
Water Is Focus At Ag Progress Days
Natural Gas Industry Will Be Here For Decades
Editorial: Build Natural Gas Market, Impose Tax
Lewistown School District Looks At Energy Savings
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Sunday NewsClips
Air Quality Action Days
Air Quality To Be Unhealthy In Southwestern PA
Both Sides Call For Budget Committee Meeting, But They Don't
Edwin Drake's Method Of Extracting Oil Change The World
Revving Up For Solar Power
Federal Stimulus Money Boosts Agencies' Weatherization Efforts
State Avoids Gypsy Moth Attack
Pike Grow Quickly In Deep PA Waters
Migration Time Has Arrived For Birds
Air Quality To Be Unhealthy In Southwestern PA
Both Sides Call For Budget Committee Meeting, But They Don't
Edwin Drake's Method Of Extracting Oil Change The World
Revving Up For Solar Power
Federal Stimulus Money Boosts Agencies' Weatherization Efforts
State Avoids Gypsy Moth Attack
Pike Grow Quickly In Deep PA Waters
Migration Time Has Arrived For Birds
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Saturday NewsClips
State Workers Leave Jobs, More May Follow
255 State Layoffs Start Monday
DEP Project May Restore Trout To Little Conemaugh
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons- Bertsch-Hokendauqua-Catassuqua Watershed
Growing Greener - A Catalyst For Change In The Lititz Run Watershed
Tacony Creek To Run Red For Tests
Rendell Pleads For Federal Aid To Flood Victims
State Grant Will Help Wegmans Develop Hydrogen Fuel Use
Marcellus Shale Drilling Companies Spend Over $1 Million Lobbying In 2009
255 State Layoffs Start Monday
DEP Project May Restore Trout To Little Conemaugh
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons- Bertsch-Hokendauqua-Catassuqua Watershed
Growing Greener - A Catalyst For Change In The Lititz Run Watershed
Tacony Creek To Run Red For Tests
Rendell Pleads For Federal Aid To Flood Victims
State Grant Will Help Wegmans Develop Hydrogen Fuel Use
Marcellus Shale Drilling Companies Spend Over $1 Million Lobbying In 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
August 17 PA Environment Digest Now Available

Selected Headlines--
Both Sides Call For Budget Conference Committee To Meet, But They Don't
Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons - Bertsch-Hokendauqua-Catasauqua Watershed Assn.
A Decade Of Growing Greener - A Catalyst For Change In The Lititz Run Watershed
Submissions For Growing Greener Anniversary Grants Due August 20
Pennsylvania Team Takes Top Honors At National Envirothon
DEP Agrees To Allow U.S. Energy To Start Natural Gas Drilling After Violations, Penalty
Williams-Transco Pipeline Project In Chester County Gets DEP Approval
Atlas Energy Doubles Marcellus Shale Gas Reserve Estimates In PA
Marcellus Shale Drilling Companies Spend Over $1 Million Lobbying In 2009
NRCS Offering Grants To Install Farm Conservation Practices
Marple Township Joins EPA WaterSense Program
Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ Greenovation Competition Invites Entries
DCNR Acquires 1,175 Acre Tract For Addition To Lackawanna State Forest
Wildlands Conservancy Publishes 2008 Annual Report
State Invests $20.7 Million In Clean Energy Projects
City Of Philadelphia Launches Carbon Offset Website
Onorato Announces $3.49 Million EPA Grant To Improve Air Quality In Allegheny County
Health Department Confirms First Human Case Of West Nile Virus In PA This Season
PA Center For Environment Ed Seeking Information On Outdoor Classrooms
Help Wanted: Erie County Watershed Specialist
Opinion - In Support Of Joe Pizarchik As Director, Federal Office Of Surface Mining
Friday NewsClips
Blue Valley Mine Water Treatment/Hatchery At Risk Of Shutting Down
EPA Funding To Reduce Diesel Emissions In Allegheny County
Alliance Landfill Will Send Gas To Generator
Generators To Inch Their Way To TMI
FAA Deals Blow To Gamesa
Water Quality Much Improved Two Year Study Reveals Health Of River
Chesapeake Energy Gives Presentations To Sayre Chamber
Feds: No $15 Million For Fish Ladder
Two Valley Companies Get Grants For Energy Projects
Shikellamy Mulls Energy Conservation
DRBC Schedules Local Hearing On Natural Gas Application
Rendell Seeks Disaster Area Designation
Editorial: Make Drillers Follow Disclosure Provisions
EPA Funding To Reduce Diesel Emissions In Allegheny County
Alliance Landfill Will Send Gas To Generator
Generators To Inch Their Way To TMI
FAA Deals Blow To Gamesa
Water Quality Much Improved Two Year Study Reveals Health Of River
Chesapeake Energy Gives Presentations To Sayre Chamber
Feds: No $15 Million For Fish Ladder
Two Valley Companies Get Grants For Energy Projects
Shikellamy Mulls Energy Conservation
DRBC Schedules Local Hearing On Natural Gas Application
Rendell Seeks Disaster Area Designation
Editorial: Make Drillers Follow Disclosure Provisions
Thursday, August 13, 2009
NRCS Offering Grants To Install Farm Conservation Practices In Chesapeake Bay Watershed
The U.S. NRCS is offering watershed grants to install conservation practices on crop and livestock farms in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. The deadline for applications is August 26.
Twenty grants will be awarded from a total of $350,000 in available funding. Click here for the full announcement, applications and instructions are available online.
Twenty grants will be awarded from a total of $350,000 in available funding. Click here for the full announcement, applications and instructions are available online.
Thursday NewsClips
Rendell Skips African Safari Vacation To Deal With Budget
Stony Creek Tract Crossroads Of Nature
New Website Launched For Federal Plans For Chesapeake Bay Cleanup
Audubon Scholarships Go To Pair Headed To Allegheny College
Banners, Billboards To Tell Story Of Pittsburgh Change During G-20
Pittsburgh Officials Kicking Tires On Asphalt Recycling System
Natural Gas Industry Encourages Vehicles To Use Its Fuel
New York Firm Fined Over Drilling In Allegheny National Forest
DEP Reaches Agreement On U.S. Energy Drilling Violations
DEP Approves Revised Natural Gas Pipeline In Chester County
Global Warming Event Lures Dozens To Beechwood Farms
Uh Oh, That's Not The Bike That's Rattling
Heating Project In Centre County Gets Stimulus Funding
Shamokin Applies For Solar Energy Power Pool Grants
Litter Contest Photos Wanted
Pipeline Expansion Plans Cut Through Susquehanna County
Money Available For Green Projects
Lackawanna County Looking To Drill In Park
DEP Approves Chesco Pipeline Plans
DEP Reaches Agreement With U.S. Energy
Nether Providence Recycling Doubles In 09
Triangle Park Rain Garden Works
Stony Creek Tract Crossroads Of Nature
New Website Launched For Federal Plans For Chesapeake Bay Cleanup
Audubon Scholarships Go To Pair Headed To Allegheny College
Banners, Billboards To Tell Story Of Pittsburgh Change During G-20
Pittsburgh Officials Kicking Tires On Asphalt Recycling System
Natural Gas Industry Encourages Vehicles To Use Its Fuel
New York Firm Fined Over Drilling In Allegheny National Forest
DEP Reaches Agreement On U.S. Energy Drilling Violations
DEP Approves Revised Natural Gas Pipeline In Chester County
Global Warming Event Lures Dozens To Beechwood Farms
Uh Oh, That's Not The Bike That's Rattling
Heating Project In Centre County Gets Stimulus Funding
Shamokin Applies For Solar Energy Power Pool Grants
Litter Contest Photos Wanted
Pipeline Expansion Plans Cut Through Susquehanna County
Money Available For Green Projects
Lackawanna County Looking To Drill In Park
DEP Approves Chesco Pipeline Plans
DEP Reaches Agreement With U.S. Energy
Nether Providence Recycling Doubles In 09
Triangle Park Rain Garden Works
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Pennsylvania Team Takes Top Honors At National Envirothon

"This is the 11th year that a team from Pennsylvania has won this prestigious national environmental education competition," said Environmental Protection Secretary Hanger. "This impressive record reflects the importance Pennsylvania places on providing students with a solid background in our environment and ecology standards."
More than 260 teenagers from 45 U.S. states and seven Canadian provinces were tested on their knowledge of soils and land use, aquatic ecology, forestry, wildlife and a current environmental issue.
This year’s issue for the competition was "Biodiversity in a Changing World."
Students analyzed the long-term and short-term impact of natural environmental occurrences and human activities on genes, species and ecosystems relative to how each may influence or directly impact their future.
The Penncrest team advanced to the national competition after winning Pennsylvania's Envirothon competition held in May at Bald Eagle State Park, Centre County. High school students from 65 counties participated in this year’s state competition.
This is the third national first place finish for Penncrest High School.
Photo: Members of the team include: Mark Samilenko (team sponsor), Amanda Meltz (team sponsor), Katie Davis, Katie Ferguson, Elizabeth Freeburg, Alex Senko and Jennifer Walker.
A team from Pennsylvania has won the North American event in 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1994, 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2005 and 2009.
The national competition is organized by the National Association of Conservation Districts, the United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service and the USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service in the U.S and in Canada by the Provincial Forestry Associations.
Pennsylvania’s Envirothon competition is organized by Pennsylvania conservation districts, the State Conservation Commission and the Pennsylvania Association of Conservation Districts.
Technical expertise is provided by the following agency partners: Department of Environmental Protection, Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, the Pennsylvania Game Commission, the Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Commission, and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service
Wednesday NewsClips
Rendell Jokes About Gassing Legislators
Rendell's Budget Veto Hurts PA's 67 Counties
John Baer: Budget Impasse Aside, Our Reps Find Lots To Stay Busy
Greening Of Retail Brings Some Confusion, Skepticism
Letter: Saving Upper Delaware's Precious Trout
Bald Eagle Returns To Wild After Tangle With Fishing Line
Crew Works To Help Waterway After Removal Of Dam
LED Lights Lead To Savings
Watershed Festival Coming To Osceola Mills
Lycoming School Districts Moves Toward Green Tech
Lehigh Valley Green Energy Projects Get Stimulus Boost
12 Flood Stricken Shickshinny Homes To Be Razed
Firms Team Up For New Natural Gas Pipeline Project
First Case Of West Nile Virus In Luzerne County
Changes To Open Competitive Electricity Markets Rise
Rendell's Budget Veto Hurts PA's 67 Counties
John Baer: Budget Impasse Aside, Our Reps Find Lots To Stay Busy
Greening Of Retail Brings Some Confusion, Skepticism
Letter: Saving Upper Delaware's Precious Trout
Bald Eagle Returns To Wild After Tangle With Fishing Line
Crew Works To Help Waterway After Removal Of Dam
LED Lights Lead To Savings
Watershed Festival Coming To Osceola Mills
Lycoming School Districts Moves Toward Green Tech
Lehigh Valley Green Energy Projects Get Stimulus Boost
12 Flood Stricken Shickshinny Homes To Be Razed
Firms Team Up For New Natural Gas Pipeline Project
First Case Of West Nile Virus In Luzerne County
Changes To Open Competitive Electricity Markets Rise
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
DEP Hearing On Washington County Mine Cleanup Plan Aug. 13
Late Monday, the Department of Environmental Protection’s Southwest Regional Office announced a public meeting for Wednesday, August 12, to discuss plans to clean up the former Mon View Mining Co. site, a closed deep mine complex in Union and Carroll townships, Washington County. The 6 p.m. meeting will be held at the Elrama Fire Hall, 17 Elrama Ave., Elrama. (click here for full announcement)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Atlas Energy Doubles Marcellus Shale Gas Reserve Estimates In PA
Atlas Energy today increased its estimate of gross undeveloped potential reserves in the Marcellus Shale in southwestern Pennsylvania to 9.125 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalents (“Tcfe”) from a previous estimated range of 4 to 6 Tcfe.
The Company has identified approximately 3,900 drillable Marcellus Shale locations.
Over the past several months, Atlas Energy embarked on a process to evaluate in detail its entire Marcellus Shale leasehold in southwestern Pennsylvania, which as of June 30, 2009 totaled approximately 266,000 acres.
The Company’s fourth horizontal completion, which was drilled in eastern Greene County, Pennsylvania, had an initial 24-hour peak rate of production into a pipeline of 3.2 Mmcfe per day. The Company has drilled five additional horizontal Marcellus Shale wells that are waiting on upgrades to two natural gas processing plants owned by Laurel Mountain Midstream, LLC. (click here for complete announcement.)
The Company has identified approximately 3,900 drillable Marcellus Shale locations.
Over the past several months, Atlas Energy embarked on a process to evaluate in detail its entire Marcellus Shale leasehold in southwestern Pennsylvania, which as of June 30, 2009 totaled approximately 266,000 acres.
The Company’s fourth horizontal completion, which was drilled in eastern Greene County, Pennsylvania, had an initial 24-hour peak rate of production into a pipeline of 3.2 Mmcfe per day. The Company has drilled five additional horizontal Marcellus Shale wells that are waiting on upgrades to two natural gas processing plants owned by Laurel Mountain Midstream, LLC. (click here for complete announcement.)
Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ Greenovation Competition
The Williamsport/Lycoming Keystone Innovation Zone is coordinating the second annual Central Pennsylvania Greenovation Competition. Entries are due September 4.
The competition is open to local companies and inventors with an original idea for a "green" product. Finalists will present to a panel of judges on September 18. Winners will be announced at the Green Expo, to be held September 20 in the Pickelner Arena.
The winner will receive a complete prize package including consulting help for business and product development and a cash award. A second prize will also be awarded.
KIZ decided to launch this competition because "green" is a very important topic now, as is innovation. This is a way to spur "greenovation" in the region and also highlight the many partners who are available to help pursue such ideas.
To learn more, visit the Central Pennsylvania Greenovation Competition webpage to enter or contact the Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ at 570-329-3200 or send email to:
The competition is open to local companies and inventors with an original idea for a "green" product. Finalists will present to a panel of judges on September 18. Winners will be announced at the Green Expo, to be held September 20 in the Pickelner Arena.
The winner will receive a complete prize package including consulting help for business and product development and a cash award. A second prize will also be awarded.
KIZ decided to launch this competition because "green" is a very important topic now, as is innovation. This is a way to spur "greenovation" in the region and also highlight the many partners who are available to help pursue such ideas.
To learn more, visit the Central Pennsylvania Greenovation Competition webpage to enter or contact the Williamsport/Lycoming KIZ at 570-329-3200 or send email to:
Monday NewsClips
Rendell's Dashed Budget Dreams
Solving The State Budget Crisis
Partial Budget Has Lawmakers Asking Now What?
300 Illegal Dumps Found In Westmoreland
Pittsburgh Reinvents Itself Through Green Economy
Pittsburgh Prepares Massive Cleanup Ahead Of G-20 Summit
New Drilling Rules For Allegheny Forest
River Advocates Worry About Scranton Flood Project's Impact
LRCA Seeking Funds To Treat Acid Mine Drainage
Federal Stimulus Money Awarded to Abington's Tree-Planting Project
Guides Open River To Exploration
Smokey Bear Turns 50
Bug Out At Academy Of Natural Sciences This Weekend
Op-Ed: Acting On Climate Change Is A Moral Duty
Op-Ed: Americans Will Have To Shell Out For Pricey Climate Plans
Scraping Away At A Moment IN The Schuylkill's Dirty Past
Gas Driller Revises Application, New Hearing Set
Chester County Issues New Well Testing Rules For Small Businesses
Berks Conservation District Moves Ahead Without County Funding
Chester Conservation District Using Federal Funds To Create Local Jobs
Towns Play Catchup On Regulations For Solar, Wind Power
Solving The State Budget Crisis
Partial Budget Has Lawmakers Asking Now What?
300 Illegal Dumps Found In Westmoreland
Pittsburgh Reinvents Itself Through Green Economy
Pittsburgh Prepares Massive Cleanup Ahead Of G-20 Summit
New Drilling Rules For Allegheny Forest
River Advocates Worry About Scranton Flood Project's Impact
LRCA Seeking Funds To Treat Acid Mine Drainage
Federal Stimulus Money Awarded to Abington's Tree-Planting Project
Guides Open River To Exploration
Smokey Bear Turns 50
Bug Out At Academy Of Natural Sciences This Weekend
Op-Ed: Acting On Climate Change Is A Moral Duty
Op-Ed: Americans Will Have To Shell Out For Pricey Climate Plans
Scraping Away At A Moment IN The Schuylkill's Dirty Past
Gas Driller Revises Application, New Hearing Set
Chester County Issues New Well Testing Rules For Small Businesses
Berks Conservation District Moves Ahead Without County Funding
Chester Conservation District Using Federal Funds To Create Local Jobs
Towns Play Catchup On Regulations For Solar, Wind Power
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Sunday NewsClips
$1 Billion Question, What Will PA Do Now?
Rendell Says Harrisburg Won't Get All Layoffs
Ideology And Election Stall Budget Deal, Analysts Say
Former Mining Site Designated As Redevelopment Area
Agency Looks To Reel In Data On PA Brook Trout
He's Taming The Wild Schuylkill River
PA Artists Gather For Annual Middle Creek Wildlife Art Show
Grouse Gang Pushes Habitat Work
Deer Management Tool Works In Some Areas-- DMAP
Remembering Deadliest Mine Disaster
Rendell Says Harrisburg Won't Get All Layoffs
Ideology And Election Stall Budget Deal, Analysts Say
Former Mining Site Designated As Redevelopment Area
Agency Looks To Reel In Data On PA Brook Trout
He's Taming The Wild Schuylkill River
PA Artists Gather For Annual Middle Creek Wildlife Art Show
Grouse Gang Pushes Habitat Work
Deer Management Tool Works In Some Areas-- DMAP
Remembering Deadliest Mine Disaster
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Saturday NewsClips
Some State Workers Receive Full Paychecks
County Conservation District Face Hard Times
Air Quality Action Day Expected Sunday
Monongahela River Water Leaving Bad Taste, But Safe
Ruling Permits Agency To Collect Flood Fee
PPL EnergyPlus Helps Customers Reduce Energy Use
Where Have All The Lightning Bugs Gone?
County Conservation District Face Hard Times
Air Quality Action Day Expected Sunday
Monongahela River Water Leaving Bad Taste, But Safe
Ruling Permits Agency To Collect Flood Fee
PPL EnergyPlus Helps Customers Reduce Energy Use
Where Have All The Lightning Bugs Gone?
Aug. 10 PA Environment Digest Now Available

Selected Headlines--
Governor Signs Bridge Budget, Conference Committee Talks Going No Where
Submissions For Growing Greener Anniversary Grants Due August 20
Sen. Brubaker Testifies Before U.S. Senate On Chesapeake Bay Restoration Progress
Record $21 Million Settlement For Environmental Damages At Palmerton Zinc Site
Fish & Boat Commission Awards Grants for Sinnemahoning Watershed Restoration
REAP Farm Conservation Tax Credit Nearly Reaches $10 Million In First Week
Instream Habitat Restoration Begins On Former Site of McCoy-Linn Dam, Centre County
Triangle Park New Stormwater Management Practices Ribbon Cutting
DEP Works To Address Increasing Total Dissolved Solids Levels In Monongahela
$93 Million In Stimulus Funds Given To PA For Water Infrastructure Projects
$500 Investment Helps Elk County Community Improve Water Quality, Save Money
What's So Special About Hopewell Big Woods Environmental Ed Workshop October 7
Trails To Devil’s Pool Targeted For Restoration By Friends Of The Wissahickon
Fish & Wildlife Service Sponsors Student Outdoor Photo Mosaic Project
Rodale Institute Announces Tree As A Crop Environmental Strategic Partnership
Philadelphia To Host Region's Largest Green Building Conference October 14-15
Pittsburgh Mayor Issues RFP To Begin Greening Of City Hall
Harrisburg Area Community College Solar Project Tops Off Harrisburg Midtown Development
Duquesne Light And UPMC Team Up To Power Down Energy Usage
PA Companies Receive $40.6 Million In Stimulus Funding For Electric Vehicle Development
Columbia Gas To Help Customers Find Hidden Savings Through Home Energy Audits
Applications For Federal Renewable Energy Business Tax Credits Available Online
PUC Removes Barriers To PPL Competition, Allows Purchase Of Energy Credits
PUC Tentatively Approves Partial Settlement In PECO Fluorescent Light Bulb Program
PPL Electric Utilities Proposes A Smarter Grid For Harrisburg Area
PECO Announces Plans For Advanced Smart Grid
DEP Opens New Mine Rescue Station In Indiana
Northampton County Receives Brownfields Stimulus Grant From EPA
Pittsburgh Recycling Event Set For August 15
DEP Opportunity To Bid On Mine Reclamation Project In Clearfield County
Natural Gas Severance Tax Proposal Fair For Gas Industry, Landowners, Taxpayers
Forest Wildlife Gets Break From Gypsy Moth Caterpillar Collapse
Friday, August 7, 2009
Friday NewsClips
Rendell Vetoes Called Tactic To Force New Taxes
The Wait For Word On Layoffs Drags On
Energy Audit To Power Greening Of Aging Pittsburgh City-County Building
Assessment Of Damaged Infrastructure Continues
Obama Nominates Indiana County Native For Mining Post
Luzerne Expands Spraying Gypsy Moths
Construction To Start On Riverfront Greenway
Urban, Farm Projects To Receive $2 Million In Restoration Funding
Grant Will Help More Trees Grow In Northeastern PA
Shamokin Area School Goes Green With Greenhouse
Spill Settlement Money Allocated
Butler Twp. Board Rejects Windmill Proposal, Prepares For Court Fight
Natural Gas Company Hopes To Reduce Footprint
Hearing Looks At Gas Drilling Water Discharge
I-TEC Using Solar Power In Mission Project
Palmerton Superfund Settlement Helps Pay For Restoration Work
Solar Panels Approved By Forks Township For Crayola
PPL To Allow Customers Green Option On Renewable Energy
PSU Students Lasso Sun To Power Cottage
Op-Ed: PPL Moving To Smarter Grid
PUC Approves PPL Competitive Rate Plan
The Wait For Word On Layoffs Drags On
Energy Audit To Power Greening Of Aging Pittsburgh City-County Building
Assessment Of Damaged Infrastructure Continues
Obama Nominates Indiana County Native For Mining Post
Luzerne Expands Spraying Gypsy Moths
Construction To Start On Riverfront Greenway
Urban, Farm Projects To Receive $2 Million In Restoration Funding
Grant Will Help More Trees Grow In Northeastern PA
Shamokin Area School Goes Green With Greenhouse
Spill Settlement Money Allocated
Butler Twp. Board Rejects Windmill Proposal, Prepares For Court Fight
Natural Gas Company Hopes To Reduce Footprint
Hearing Looks At Gas Drilling Water Discharge
I-TEC Using Solar Power In Mission Project
Palmerton Superfund Settlement Helps Pay For Restoration Work
Solar Panels Approved By Forks Township For Crayola
PPL To Allow Customers Green Option On Renewable Energy
PSU Students Lasso Sun To Power Cottage
Op-Ed: PPL Moving To Smarter Grid
PUC Approves PPL Competitive Rate Plan
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