Friday, June 7, 2024

Allegheny County Conservation District Receives $30,000 DEP Environmental Education Grant

On June 7, the
Allegheny County Conservation District announced it was awarded a $30,000 DEP Environmental Education Grant for the Development Patterns and Municipal Engagement for Optimal Natural Resource Outcomes.

As part of the grant, the District will host workshops for municipalities and citizens to promote sustainability as a framework for building climate resilient, vibrant communities and promote resident health. 

The District will partner with Tree Pittsburgh, Sustainable Pittsburgh, Green Building Alliance and Allegheny Land Trust on the project.

Other grant recipients in Allegheny County include--

-- Communitopia was awarded $24,501 for the “Climate Adventures Club” program to combine climate friendly adventure activities with  real-life field science and research experiences for students in grades 9-12. 

-- Green Building Alliance was awarded $28,200 for the “Inspire Speakers Series Lectures and Workshops” to hold three public lectures and three community workshops to help attendees draw connections between climate, health, economy, and equity. 

-- Venture Outdoors Inc. was awarded $24,700 for the “Youth Outdoor Leadership Cohort” project to provide 25 environmental education  lessons and field trips addressing climate change and watersheds to over 120 middle and high school students throughout the 2024-2025 school year. In addition, the project will include a special Saturday cohort session during the Fall and Spring semester.

Visit the Allegheny County Conservation District website for more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events and services available.

Resource Link:

-- DEP Announces Award Of $980,256 To Support 56 Local Environmental Education Projects; New Grant Round Opens In August  [PaEN] 

[Posted: June 7, 2024]  PA Environment Digest

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