Monday, May 27, 2024

Penn State Extension Watershed Winds Newsletter Highlights Student AgVenture Camp; Watershed Stewards Native Plant Kit; Pond Management; Rain Barrel Guy; Much More!

The latest Watershed Winds newsletter from Penn State Extension highlights a student AgVenture Camp in Lancaster; the Watershed Steward Rain Barrel Guy and Native Plant Kit; Streambank Stabilization and Benthic Macroinvertegrates and much more.

Lancaster AgVenture Camp

Youth aged 8 to 12 are invited to join Penn State Extension for an AgVenture Day Camp at Penn State's Southeast Agricultural Research Farm in Manheim, PA where they will learn how they can be Stream Doctors. 

The camp will follow the theme of Penn State Extension’s new children’s book, Brooke Meets a Stream Doctor, featuring Dr. Watt R Shedd. 

The camp will be held from July 23-26 from 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM daily and will take place rain or shine.

Campers will learn about the environment, water resources management, and complete a stream study in Dellinger Run. 

Activities include Meaningful Watershed Educational Experiences focused on the water cycle and watersheds; physical, biological, and chemical stream studies; what constitutes a healthy stream; and participate in a service project.

Click Here to learn more and to register.

Rain Barrel Guy

For Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward volunteer Rich Troscianecki, one of the most rewarding aspects of his role is getting the next generation involved in and excited about watershed management.

Troscianecki and the other Master Watershed Stewards host programs specifically to engage kids and teach them about the importance of healthy watersheds. 

One of the highlights of the year is participating in a local elementary school’s “Grow with the Flow Day,” a program that includes a variety of stations highlighting different aspects of conservation.

Click Here to learn more.

Watershed-Friendly Native Plant Kit

The 2024 Master Watershed Steward Watershed-Friendly Native Plant Kit Sale, hosted by the Penn State Extension Master Watershed Steward Program, offers three preselected watershed-friendly native plant plug kits. 

Simply pick your preferred kit and select the most convenient curbside fall pickup location from 17 sites across the state. 

Proceeds from the Watershed-Friendly Native Plant Kits will support the Master Watershed Steward program providing volunteer-driven education and restoration work in that region. 

Each of the Watershed-Friendly kits are designed to help you incorporate more native plants into your property for habitat creation, stormwater management, pollutant reduction, and other positive ecological services.

Click Here to order and learn more.

Become A Master Watershed Steward

Penn State Extension Master Watershed Stewards are first and foremost, volunteers. The goal of this training program is to expand upon your water and natural resources knowledge with Penn State's research-based information so that you will broaden our conservation outreach into the community.

Click Here to learn more.

Upcoming Events

-- June 4: ACAP Ag Conservation Conference, State College

-- June 5: PFAS ‘Forever Chemicals In Our Environment Webinar

-- June 5: Sips & Drips: Clarion River Conversations, Ridgway, Elk County

-- June 13: Lancaster Waterways On Wheels Bike Tour

-- June 19: Testing Private Wells For Emerging Contaminants

-- June 24: Twilight Pond Walk, Dingmans Ferry, Pike County

-- Multiple Dates: Private Water Supply Education & Water Testing

Other Articles

-- Streambank Stabilization and Stream Crossings

-- Pond Management For Rural And Farm Pond Owners

-- Pond and Lake Wildlife: Great Blue Herons

-- Stream Connections: Benthic Marcroinvertebrates Native Fish & PA Geology

-- Pennsylvania Wetlands:Vernal Pools

Click Here to read the entire newsletterClick Here to sign up for Extension newsletters (bottom of the page)

Visit the Penn State Extension website to learn about many more educational opportunities.

Related Article:

-- Penn State Extension Highlights Partnership Helping PA Communities Plant 2,500 Large Bare Root Trees; Woodland Health Practices Handbook; Chesapeake Stormwater Training  [PaEN] 


-- Lancaster Farming: PA Dairies Get $25 Million Boost for Climate-Smart Practices; Penn State Seeking 100 Farms To Receive Assistance 

[Posted: May 27, 2024]  PA Environment Digest

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