Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Delaware RiverKeeper Testifies Before Congress On Needed Natural Gas Act/FERC Reforms

On February 5, Maya van Rossum, of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, testified at a hearing titled “Modernizing the Natural Gas Act to Ensure it Works for Everyone,” held by the U.S. House Subcommittee on Energy of the Committee on Energy and Commerce. 
The Delaware Riverkeeper Network has been documenting the abuses of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in a comprehensive Dossier and, with the VOICES (Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead) coalition, has been calling on Congress to hold investigative hearings into FERC and pass needed reforms to the Natural Gas Act for over four years.
van Rossum called for reforms to the Natural Gas Act, written over 80 years ago, which has been used to proliferate natural gas pipelines and enable FERC’s abuses. 
Among these abuses are FERC’s use of tolling orders that place people in legal limbo, unable to meaningfully challenge a pipeline decision in court; its failure to consider climate change impacts when approving projects; approval of construction before states and other agencies have given needed approvals; and failure to demonstrate project need. 
“Natural Gas Act reform needs to be a priority. It is imperative that Congress reform the Natural Gas Act to address our issues and concerns in order to specifically and firmly protect people’s rights, states’ rights, property rights, and the right of future generations to a safe and secure environment, a stable climate, and the clean energy future that will provide them with national security, economic security, and environmental vitality,” said Maya van Rossum.
Click Here to watch a video of the hearing and for written testimony.
For more information on programs, initiatives and upcoming events, visit the Delaware Riverkeeper Network website.
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[Posted: February 5, 2020]  PA Environment Digest

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