Monday, October 12, 2015

Keep PA Beautiful: Schools Have Until Midnight Tuesday To Register For Recycle-Bowl Competition

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful is encouraging educators in Pennsylvania to register their school to participate in the national Recycle-Bowl competition by midnight on Tuesday, October 13th.
Recycle-Bowl is a program designed to invigorate student participation in recycling through a national K-12 recycling competition.
The objectives of the competition include: new recycling programs established within schools, the increase of recycling rates in schools that currently recycle and the provision of teacher/student educational opportunities about recycling and waste reduction.
Recycle-Bowl competition begins October 19 and runs through November 15.
At the close of the four-week competition, the national winner will receive a recycled-content bench donated by Trex. The returning school that demonstrates the most improvement over 2014 will receive recycling bins from Busch Systems.
Schools in each state (and the District of Columbia) that collect the most recyclable material per capita will be awarded their respective state title.
“The Recycle Bowl offers a fun way to introduce or expand recycling programs within our schools. Encouraging students to recycle at school will emphasize the importance of recycling elsewhere,” said Shannon Reiter, President of Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful. “We are grateful to Keep America Beautiful for providing this resource and we encourage our local schools to register.
Sponsors and Teammates of Keep America Beautiful’s Recycle-Bowl are Busch Systems, Trex, Consumer Aerosol Products Council, Weisenbach, American Forest Foundation/Project Learning Tree, Eco-School USA (National Wildlife Federation) and Earth Day Network.
For all the details, visit the Recycle-Bowl competition website.  Click Here to sign up for Keep PA Beautiful’s Beautiful newsletter.

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