Monday, October 12, 2015

Brodhead Watershed Assn: Please Don’t Feed The Ducks!

The Brodhead Watershed Association in Monroe County has proof of bacteria and pollution in the Brodhead, Pocono and McMichael creeks in Stroudsburg, East Stroudsburg and Stroud Township from a study done last summer.
Condensing all that data into a campaign for the public, BWA says: “Please don’t feed the ducks.”
To capture attention where waterfowl are most likely to be fed, 12 signs — four in each municipality — have been placed on the banks of the creeks.
The signs state: “Please don't feed the ducks. When you feed ducks, more come. Lots of ducks mean lots of duck poop. This area's fecal contamination is too high, so please do everyone's water a favor: don't feed the ducks!"
BWA provided the signs to the municipalities, which installed them at designated spots, including: The Glen Park in Stroudsburg, Levee Loop access points in Stroudsburg and East Stroudsburg, and at the North Fifth Street pond and Creekview Park in Stroud Township.
Duck and geese droppings in the creek have caused levels of fecal coliform to be notably high. Because of this, the state Department of Environmental Protection has deemed the lower region of Brodhead Creek unsafe for recreational use.
The Borough of East Stroudsburg has installed signs warning,“No swimming. High bacteria levels.”
Dog waste left to rot on the ground also contributes to creek fecal contamination, as it washes into the watershed with rain runoff. BWA will expand its clean-water campaign to encourage enforcement of dog waste pickup laws, and installation of waste bag dispensers near the creek.
For more information on other initiatives and programs, visit the Brodhead Watershed Association webpage.  Click Here to sign up for the Association’s newsletter.

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