Wednesday, November 27, 2024

DEP Invites Comments On Coastal Zone Management Consistency Determination For FDR Park Environmental Restoration Project In Philadelphia

The Department of Environmental Protection published
notice in the November 30 PA Bulletin inviting comments on a Federal Consistency Determination under the Coastal Zone Management Act for the FDR Park Nature Phase Environmental Restoration Project in the City of Philadelphia.

The applicant proposes to provide higher quality natural areas than the areas that currently exist in FDR Park. 

The existing site is a former golf course and is bound by Pattison Avenue to the north, Gateway Drive to the west, Interstate 95 to the south and other areas of FDR Park to the east. 

The Project site is primarily flat and flanks the Shedbrook Creek, which runs north to south across the property. 

The applicant proposes to establish several ecological zones within FDR Park including riparian restoration, forested wetland, emergent/broadleaf emergent wetland, pollinator meadow, meadow, border meadow, reforestation and stream restoration. 

The proposed wetland and stream impacts associated with the implementation of the Nature Phase project are intended to result in either the creation of meadow or create enhancement of that resource's function. 

The applicant is seeking a Federal authorization from the United States Army Corps of Engineers under section 404 of the Federal Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. § 1344) to perform this work.

This Project is subject to Department review for Federal consistency because it is an activity requiring a Federal license or permit and will have reasonably foreseeable effects on this Commonwealth's coastal resources or uses.

Comments are due December 16.

A copy of the determination will be posted on DEP’s eComment webpage.

Read the entire PA Bulletin notice for instructions on how to submit comments.

Questions should be directed to Matthew Walderon, Federal Consistency Coordinator, at (717) 772-2196 or by e-mail to

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[Posted: November 27, 2024]  PA Environment Digest

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