Friday, August 7, 2015

Environmental Quality Board Publishes VOC Control Regulations For Comment

The Environmental Quality Board published notices in the August 8 PA Bulletin proposing changes to two Air Quality Regulations--
-- Control of VOC Emissions from Automotive and Transportation Parts: 3 public hearings are scheduled for September 8 at DEP’s Norristown Office; September 9 at DEP’s HQ Office; and September 10 at DEP’s Pittsburgh Office all at 10:00 a.m.
-- Control Of VOC Emissions from Vehicle Coating Operations: 3 public hearings are scheduled for September 8 at DEP’s Norristown Office, September 9 at DEP’s HQ Office and September 10 at DEP’s Pittsburgh Office all at 1:00 p.m.
Copies of the proposed regulations are available through DEP’s eComment webpage.

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