Friday, August 7, 2015

August 10 PA Environment Digest Now Available

The August 10 PA Environment Digest is now available.  Here are just a few of the headlines--

Pennsylvania, specifically, the Department of Environmental Protection, now has the job of putting together a set of actions to meet the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Section 111(d) Clean Power Plan released on Monday.
The Clean Power Plan sets a nationwide goal of cutting carbon emissions by 32 percent from 2005 levels by 2030, with progress towards those reductions by 2022.  
The specific actions needed to achieve that goal are being left to each state to adopt in the form of an amendment to the State Air Quality Implementation Plan by June 30, 2016.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported Tuesday representatives of conventional oil and gas drillers on DEP’s Conventional Oil and Gas Advisory Committee wrote to DEP’s Deputy Secretary for Oil and Gas Management in July saying they would not support the Chapter 78 update of drilling regulations citing only comments made by other conventional drillers.

The August issue of Township News, published by the PA State Association of Township Supervisors, contained two helpful articles for communities required to develop water quality protection strategies for the MS4 Stormwater Permit and TMDL Protection Programs.

The Department of Environmental Protection published notice in the August 8 PA Bulletin it is now accepting applications for for the construction of urban stormwater Best Management Practices (BMP) to reduce the discharge of nutrients and sediments delivered to local waters and to the Chesapeake Bay. (formal notice)  Applications are due October 9.  

The Scranton Times Tribune reported Wednesday on a day camp hosted by the Lackawanna River Corridor Association and PA American Water to educate children about water quality and how aquatic macroinvertebrates are an indicator of river health.

Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful invites Pennsylvania residents to coordinate a cleanup as part of the Ocean Conservancy’s 2015 International Coastal Cleanup held from September 1 through October 31.

August starts the height of hurricane season and the PA Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and Insurance urge residents to always be prepared for the possibility of severe weather.

To read the Digest, visit:  Click Here to print the entire Digest.

PA Environment Digest is edited by David E. Hess, former Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is published as a service of Crisci Associates.

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