Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Court Told DCNR Did Not Recommend Additional Natural Gas Leasing On State Land

StateImpact, the Post-Gazette and the Patriot-News Wednesday reported Dan Devlin, DCNR Deputy Secretary for Parks and Forests, said DCNR did not recommend leasing additional State Park and Forest land for natural gas drilling, but added “as long as there is no surface disturbance, and we have control of the lease,” he was comfortable with the Corbett plan.
Devlin added the first he heard of the plan for leasing additional land was a few days before the Governor announced his budget in February.
Devlin’s comments were made at the end of three days of hearings before Commonwealth Court in a lawsuit the PA Environmental Defense Fund filed against the Rendell and Corbett Administrations over the transfer over $383 million in proceeds in DCNR’s Oil and Gas Fund to balance the state General Fund. (PA Environment Digest June 2, 2014)
During part of Devlin’s questioning, he said to meet the $75 million revenue goal the Governor set out in his proposal, DCNR would have to lease an additional 25,000 acres of Marcellus Shale lands.
Devlin said the drilling leases entered into by DCNR contained significant protections for the environment and limited the number of well pads drilling companies could build.  The leases also prohibit conventional oil and gas drilling in the areas leased for Marcellus Shale development because DCNR felt conventional wells were more destructive.
Devlin testified that when the drilling on state forests began [during the Rendell Administration], "we didn't have a clue what was going to happen," and although the agency "has a much better handle on the situation" now, he said, "we don't have a handle on the total impact, no."
Corbett’s Own Witness Lukewarm To More Gas Leasing

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