Tuesday, January 21, 2025

PA Grazing Lands Coalition Now Accepting Applications For Educational Mini-Grants

Pennsylvania Grazing Lands Coalition is now accepting applications for the organization’s ongoing educational mini-grants program

The grants are offered to non-profit organizations, agencies, and producer associations that provide grazing-focused education and training throughout the Commonwealth.  

Smaller, community-based grazing groups are encouraged to apply.

Grants through PA GLC are available for field days and pasture walks, trainings, conferences, field studies with an educational component, and other activities that include grazing or forage management as a main topic to reach producers interested in improving their pasture and grazing operations. 

General topics for these events can include pasture and grazing management, forage species, grass-based management of all livestock species including equine and poultry, soil health, fencing and water systems, technology, grassfed food products, and business management. 

There are several levels for the mini-grant program, ranging from $200 to $1,000 in financial assistance.

Funding for the mini-grant program originates from USDA-NRCS and the Northeast Pasture Consortium.  

For more details about the Mini-Grant program criteria with downloadable application form and instructions, please visit the PA GLC website.

Questions can be directed to Dave Hartman, PA GLC project coordinator; email dhartman@paglc.org.   

[Posted: January 21, 2025]  PA Environment Digest

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