Monday, July 22, 2024

Student Interns Are Learning About The Water Industry With Trade College Summer Experiences At The Chester Water Authority

On July 22, for the first time, the
Chester Water Authority in Delaware County announced it is providing five students and one recent graduate from Thaddeus Stevens College Of Technology and Williams College of the Trades with internship experiences.

The comprehensive internship program is designed to provide a perfect blend of training, hands-on experience, project work, specialized training, and evaluation in the water industry. 

This program is not just about gaining work experience; it's about immersing students in the industry, understanding its intricacies, and making meaningful contributions. 

“This is CWA’s inaugural year for the summer internship program. The initial idea was born from a desire to engage with local trade colleges like Williamson Trade and Thaddeus Stevens. It’s our ultimate hope to train the next generation of water works leaders,” says Michael D'Agostino, Human Resources Director.

“I was told about the Chester Water Authority by my Water and Environmental Science professor, Mrs. Butler, at Thaddeus Stevens,” explains Makayla Weathers, a student intern. “When I visited the CWA website to learn more about the organization, I excitedly applied for and secured this internship opportunity.” 

Interns receive training on water industry processes and systems and shadow experienced employees in the field to gain firsthand knowledge. 

Hands-on experience is a key component of the internship. Interns engage in routine maintenance tasks, assist with water treatment processes and analysis, and participate in distribution system repairs and maintenance. 

They work on meter operations, tank maintenance, pump stations, and right-of-way maintenance, honing their troubleshooting skills in real-world scenarios.

“CWA’s internship has put into perspective what I learned at Thaddeus Stevens. I’m able to see how water is treated, how the distribution system works, and how it's maintained,” says Troy Murray, summer intern. “I’m proud to have the opportunity to intern for CWA. The internship has helped me to realize that I want a career in the water industry.”

As a culmination of the internship, students work on a small project—independently or as part of a team. Projects may involve process improvement, data analysis, or research. 

As mentorship is a cornerstone of the program, senior staff are available to guide interns and address any questions or concerns. 

As a grand finale, students have the opportunity to present their project findings and accomplishments to the CWA team, receive feedback, and discuss potential future opportunities in the water industry. 

This 10-week summer internship program is an unparalleled opportunity to gain practical experience while developing invaluable skills. 

This program offers a holistic view of the industry preparing the students for a successful career ahead. 

CWA is proud of this summer’s students and has loved to see them dive in and discover all the possibilities a career in the water industry can provide.

Visit the Chester Water Authority for more information.

 Also visit the Thaddeus Stevens College Of Technology and Williams College of the Trades websites for more information on their educational programs.

(Photo: Michael D'Agostino, Human Resources Director at CWA; Makayla Weathers and Troy Murray, both students at Thaddeus Stevens College.)

[Posted: July 22, 2024]  PA Environment Digest

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