Tuesday, October 6, 2015

PA American Water: Imagine A Day Without Water Photo Contest

Pennsylvania American Water Tuesday announced a social media-based photograph contest, which challenges customers to share how a day without water might impact their daily routines.
The contest runs through October 20. The top three entries will be awarded prizes and announced on November 1.
The contest is part of the company’s participation in the national “Imagine a Day Without Water” campaign, an industry-wide education campaign by the Value of Water Coalition to raise awareness and build support for investment in drinking water systems. The national campaign runs through October 8, 2015.  
Pennsylvania American Water customers are encouraged to follow the company’s Twitter (@paamwater), or Instagram (@paamwater) feeds and submit original photography, along with the hashtag, #imaginenoh2o, to enter and win prizes that include: iPad Air 32GB (overall grand prize winner); iPad mini 16GB (first runner-up); and a $100 Amazon gift card (second runner-up).   
Entries will be judged by a panel of Pennsylvania American Water employees on originality, composition, overall impact, artistic merit and subject matter relevance to the “Imagine a Day Without Water" theme.
Complete contest rules and prizes can be found at the PA American Water website.

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