Friday, October 16, 2015

Oct. 19 PA Environment Digest Now Available

The October 19 PA Environment Digest is now available.  Here are just a few of the headlines--

DEP Secretary John Quigley told the PA Environmental Council’s Policy Conference Monday the biggest challenge the Department of Environmental Protection faces is meeting its basic obligations in the face of the cuts DEP’s budget has taken over the years.  Click Here to watch Quigley’s remarks online.

By Harry Campbell, PA Office Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation
As Pennsylvania’s executive and legislative branches of government are embroiled in a budget stalemate that lingers well beyond the June 30 deadline, the Commonwealth remains significantly behind in its commitment to meeting its obligations for reducing water pollution in the central Pennsylvania counties that are part of the Chesapeake Bay watershed.

Pennsylvania’s farmers deserve credit for the work they do to ensure clean water and healthy soil. In order to give them the proper credit, the PA Association of Conservation Districts is asking farmers to voluntarily complete an online survey.

The PA Environmental Council Wednesday wrote to members of the House expressing its objections to House Bill 965 (Godshall-R-Montgomery) that would make it much easier for the General Assembly to block regulations and statements of policy by executive agencies.  The full House is expected to vote on House Bill 965 next week.

Five graduate business degree programs in Pennsylvania universities have been ranked in the top 121 business programs focusing on sustainability in the world, more than any other state.  Corporate Knights, a quarterly international publication focused on social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, released its 2015 Better World MBA ranking, including--
-- University of Pittsburgh-Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business-Pittsburgh (46);
-- Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business-Pittsburgh (66); and
-- Pennsylvania State University-Smeal College of Business (73).

The Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the PA Recreation and Parks Society are now accepting nominations for the Green Parks Award.  The deadline for nominations is January 15.

To read the Digest, visit:  Click Here to print the entire Digest.

PA Environment Digest is edited by David E. Hess, former Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is published as a service of Crisci Associates.

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