Friday, October 9, 2015

Oct. 12 PA Environment Digest Now Available

The October 12 PA Environment Digest is now available.  Here are just a few of the headlines--

DEP Secretary John Quigley told the York Daily Record editorial board Monday Pennsylvania will miss its 2017 commitments to cleaning up the Chesapeake Bay.
“We’re going to miss our 2017 goals,”  he said simply and noted this is a problem the Wolf Administration inherited.

Davitt Woodwell, President of the PA Environmental Council, issued the following statement Tuesday on Pennsylvania’s budget impasse--  “A seemingly too brief summer has given way to fall transitions and, still, just shy of 100 days, Pennsylvania has no budget. Whatever one’s politics, whatever one’s beliefs, this impasse is resulting in real impacts to any number of organizations, be they educational, social service, or governmental.

The Department of Environmental Protection has told several boards and advisory committees to the agency they had to cancel their meetings in October due to the budget impasse.
The meetings include: the October 13 DEP Water Systems Technical Assistance Center Board, the October 20 meetings of the Environmental Quality Board and DEP’s Citizens Advisory Council, the October 21 Agricultural Advisory Board meeting and the October 7 meeting of the Air Quality Technical Advisory Committee.

Outdoors enthusiasts, environmentalists and other state forest visitors are reminded there are just 9 more public meetings being held by DCNR’s Bureau of Forestry to hear your comments on the Draft 2015 State Forest Resource Management Plan that will chart the course of Pennsylvania’s state forests for future generations.

C.O.G.E.N.T. (Connection for Oil, Gas & Environment) reported last Sunday IMGmidstream has applied for DEP permits for four more small electric facilities bringing the total in Bradford County to 7 plants and Niles Valley Energy LLC has proposed another plant in Charleston Township, Tioga County bringing the total there to three.

The PA Environmental Council this week released a new report on the business case for hydropower called, Low-Impact Hydropower in Pennsylvania Financial Feasibility Assessment, as part of PEC’s Low-Impact Hydropower Project.

Gone are the days when children followed their fathers to work in the woods. These informal apprenticeships are a thing of the past because of today’s safety considerations. So the PA Sustainable Forestry Initiative Implementation Committee decided if they can’t bring youth to the forest, they would bring the forest to youth.

The Delaware River Basin Land Use Dynamics Project based at Shippensburg University will hold a series of workshops throughout the watershed to help develop a land cover mapping, modeling and monitoring system for the river basin.

The Philadelphia Water Department broke ground Tuesday on its first official vacant lot site designed both to add beauty to the surrounding neighborhood and help the City manage stormwater under its Green City, Clean Waters Program.

By Harry Campbell, PA Office Director, Chesapeake Bay Foundation

To read the Digest, visit:  Click Here to print the entire Digest.

PA Environment Digest is edited by David E. Hess, former Secretary Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, and is published as a service of Crisci Associates.

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