Thursday, November 28, 2024

PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - November 30

The following notices were published in the
November 30 PA Bulletin related to oil and gas industry facilities.  Many of the notices offer the opportunity for public comments.

-- The Department of Environmental Protection announced November 21 it has determined, in response to a rulemaking petition, the state Environmental Quality Board has the statutory authority to adopt a regulation setting more protective setbacks from shale gas wells for homes, schools and streams in its initial petition review.  Read more here.

-- CNX Gas Company reported to DEP it failed to stop pumping shale gas wastewater through a pipeline for 24+ hours after an excavator punctured an “unmarked” wastewater pipeline at the Coarse Coal Refuse Disposal Area 7 in Morris Township, Greene County.

On May 21, 2024, CNX notified DEP of a spill related to the McQuay to Morris 2 and 3 shale gas wastewater pipeline, as reported in PA Environment DigestDEP May 21 inspection report. Read more here.

The McQuay pipeline is near CNX’s MOR9 shale gas well pad on CONSOL’s underground Bailey Coal Mine surface property.  

CNX published notice it would be cleaning up the site under the Act 2 Land Recycling Program.  (PA Bulletin, page 7704)  Read more here.

Land Recycling/Brownfield Cleanups

-- Seneca Resources Company, LLC - Shale Gas Well Pad C09J: DEP received a Notice of Intent to remediate soil contaminated with production wastewater water to meet the Statewide Health Standard at the pad located in Shippen Twp., Cameron County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7704)

-- CNX Gas Company LLC - Wastewater Pipeline Puncture At Coarse Coal Refuse Disposal Area: DEP received a Notice of Intent to remediate area to meet unknown cleanup standards at the Coarse Coal Refuse Disposal Area impacted by a release from an “unmarked” shale gas wastewater pipeline punctured by a bulldozer during earthmoving operations located in Morris Twp., Greene County.   (PA Bulletin, page 7704). Read more here.

-- SWN Production Company LLC - Greezwieg Large Impoundment: DEP received Final Report on remediation of groundwater contaminated with production wastewater to meet the Statewide Health Standard at the facility located in Herrick Twp., Bradford County.   (PA Bulletin, page 7747

-- EQT Corporation - Beta Cameron Shale Gas Well Pad: DEP received a on remediation of soil contaminated with water-based spacer fluid to meet Statewide Health Standards at the well pad located in Richhill Twp., Greene County. (PA Bulletin, page 7748)

-- Seneca Resources Company, LLC - Watkins 820 Shale Gas Well Pad: DEP approved a Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with production wastewater and oil-based drilling mud to meet the Statewide Health Standards at the pad located in Chatham Twp., Tioga County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7748)

-- SWN Production Company, LLC - WY 10 Falconero Shale Gas Well Pad: DEP approved a Final Report on remediation of groundwater contaminated with production wastewater to meet the Statewide Health Standards at the pad located in Forkston Twp., Wyoming County.   (PA Bulletin, page 7748)

-- EQT Corporation - Lumber Shale Gas Well Pad: DEP approved a Final Report on remediation of soil contaminated with production wastewater (aluminum, barium, boron, chloride, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc) to meet the Statewide Health Standards at the pad located in Cumberland Twp., Greene County. (PA Bulletin, page 7749)

-- Greylock Production, LLC - Walker #1 Conventional Well: DEP approved a Final Report on remediate of soil contaminated with production wastewater (aluminum, barium, boron, chloride, iron, lithium, manganese, selenium, strontium, vanadium, and zinc) to meet Statewide Health Standards at the well located in Cumberland Twp., Greene County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7749)

2024 Act 2 Oil & Gas Facility Pollution Cleanups

So far in 2024, DEP received or acted on 262 Act 2 Land Recycling notices related to oil and gas facility site cleanups.  Read more here.

Waste Permits

-- Chrinergyy Power, LLC - Chrin Brothers Landfill Gas Project Waste Permit: DEP invites comments on a WMGM-55 Waste General Permit for a landfill gas project located in Glendon Boro, Northampton County.  Received Nov. 6, Administratively complete Nov. 13.  (PA Bulletin, page 7705

-- Chesapeake Appalachia LLC - Calmich Produced Fluids Storage Facility: DEP renewed WMGR163 General Waste Permit for the oil and gas liquid waste storage facility located in Wilmot Twp., Bradford County.  Received June 13, Renewed Nov. 5.  (PA Bulletin, page 7750

Air Quality Permits

-- Chrinergyy Power, LLC - Chrin Brothers Landfill Gas Project Air Quality Permit: DEP invites comments on an Air Quality Plan Approval Permit for a landfill gas project located in Glendon Boro, Northampton County.  Received May 17, Administratively complete Nov. 13.  (PA Bulletin, page 7705

-- Chrinergyy Power, LLC - Chrin Brothers Landfill Gas Project Title V Air Quality Permit: DEP invites comments on a Title V Air Quality Plan Approval Permit for a landfill gas project located in Glendon Boro, Northampton County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7708

-- NextEra Renewable Fuels LLC - Wastewater Digester Gas Generator: DEP invites comments on a State Only Air Quality Permit for the gas-fired generator located in the City of Allentown, Lehigh County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7708

-- JKLM Energy, LLC - Sweden Valley 105 Shale Gas Well Pad Compressor Station, Pipeline Pigging Facility: DEP approved a GP-5A Air Quality General Permit covering multiple sources of air pollution at the facility located in Sweden and Summit Townships, Potter County. Received Oct. 15, Approved Oct. 31.  (PA Bulletin, page 7752

-- Williams Field Services Company - Jones Compressor Station: DEP approved a GP-9 Air Quality Permit (?) covering for multiple sources of air pollution at the facility located in Middletown Twp., Susquehanna County.  Received Sept. 30, Approved Oct. 24.  (PA Bulletin, page 7751

-- Pin Oak Energy Partners, LLC - Hurtt Compressor Station: DEP renewed a GP-5 Air Quality Permit covering multiple sources of air pollution for the facility located in East Lackawannock Twp., Mercer County.  Received Oct. 22, Renewed Nov. 15.  (PA Bulletin, page 7751

-- Eastern Gas Transmission & Storage, Inc. - Boom Compressor Station: DEP issued an Air Quality Plan Approval covering multiple sources of air pollution at the facility located in Lawrence Twp., Tioga County.  Received May 7, Issued Nov. 16. (PA Bulletin, page 7752

-- EQM Gathering OPCO, LLC - Callisto Compressor Station: DEP extended an Air Quality Plan Approval for the facility for 180 days for the facility located in Morris Twp., Greene County.  Received Nov. 13, Issued Nov. 15. (PA Bulletin, page 7752

-- Texas Eastern Transmission, LP - Unknown Facility: DEP extended an Air Quality Plan Approval for an unknown facility located in Salem Twp., Westmoreland County.  Received Nov. 7, Issued Nov. 14. (PA Bulletin, page 7753

-- Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC - Compressor Station 310: DEP renewed an Air Quality Operating Permit covering multiple sources of air pollution at the facility located in Sergeant Twp., McKean County. Received May 4, Renewed Nov. 1. (PA Bulletin, page 7753

-- Tennessee Gas Pipeline Company, LLC - Compressor Station 303: DEP renewed an Air Quality Operating Permit covering multiple sources of air pollution at the facility located in Cranberry Twp., Venango County. Received May 4, Renewed Nov. 1. (PA Bulletin, page 7754

-- Sunoco Pipeline LP - Plainfield Natural Gas Liquids Pump Station: DEP renewed an Air Quality Permit for the facility located in Lower Frankford Twp., Cumberland County. Received June 6, Issued Nov. 5. (PA Bulletin, page 7754

-- Mountain Power LLC - Fuel Oil-fired Mountain Power Electric Generating Station: DEP issued a State Only Air Quality Permit for the facility located in South Middleton Twp., Cumberland County. Received March 27, Issued Nov. 6. (PA Bulletin, page 7754

-- Equitrans, LP - Hartson Compressor Station: DEP approved a modified State Only Air Quality Permit to remove RACT I requirements for the facility located in Union Twp., Washington County. Received May 5, Issued Nov. 13.  (PA Bulletin, page 7755

-- ECC Windsor, Inc. - Bailey Mine Buckland Flare Site: DEP issued a de minimis Air Quality Emissions authorization for the facility located in Richhill Twp., Greene County. (PA Bulletin, page 7755

Chapter 105 Encroachment Permits

-- Highland Field Services, LLC - 16-Inch Freshwater Or Maybe A Natural Gas Pipeline: DEP invites comments on a Chapter 105 permit for a pipeline project impacting Crooked Creek, Norris Brook, Baldwin Run and Exceptional Value wetlands located in Delmar and Middlebury Townships, Tioga County. [Notice refers to both a freshwater and later a natural gas pipeline.] Received Oct. 25.  (PA Bulletin, page 7717

-- PennEnergy Resources, LLC - Water Supply Intakes On Buffalo Creek: DEP approved a Chapter 105 permit covering water supply intake structures for shale gas development on Buffalo Creek (High Quality) to convey fresh water to the existing W47 Well Development Impoundment in North Buffalo Twp., Armstrong County. [Note: A Chapter 102 permit was also issued in this same area this week.] (PA Bulletin, page 7758

Erosion & Sedimentation Permits

-- Chesapeake Appalachia LLC - Unknown Project: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting French Run located in Towanda Twp., Bradford County. Received Oct. 10, Issued Nov. 12. (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- Seneca Resources Company, LLC - Pipeline Project (?): DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting EX Channel (Exceptional Value), Lockwood Hollow (Exceptional Value), Bingman Hollow (Exceptional Value) and Bingman Hollow (Exceptional Value) creeks located in Shippen Twp., Cameron County and Jones Township, Elk County. Received Aug. 28, Issued Nov. 12. (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- Chesapeake Appalachia LLC - Unknown Project: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting Foster Branch and Sugar Run located in Wilmot Twp., Bradford County. Received Oct. 11, Issued Nov. 12. (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- Chesapeake Appalachia LLC - Pipeline Project (?): DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting Johnson Creek, Taylors Creek and Johnson Creek located in Orwell and Rome Townships, Bradford County.  Received Oct. 11, Issued Nov. 14.   (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- PennEnergy Resources, LLC - Unknown Project (Water Withdrawal?): DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting Buffalo Creek (High Quality) located in North Buffalo Twp., Armstrong County.  Received Sept. 11, Issued Nov. 7.  [Note: A Chapter 105 permit was also issued in this same area this week.] (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- Pin Oak Energy Partners, LLC - Unknown Project: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a project impacting Johnson Run and Little Mill Creek (High Quality) located in Ridgway Twp., Elk County.  (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- ETC Northeast Field Services LLC - B25 Pipeline: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for a pipeline project impacting Brush Creek, Crows Run and Pine Run located in New Sewickley Twp., Beaver County.  Received Oct. 11, Issued Nov. 13. (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- Range Resources Appalachia LLC - Jon Day To Bedillion Day TWL Gas Pipeline: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for this project impacting Little Tenmile Creek located in Amwell Twp., Washington County.  Received Aug. 30, Issued Nov. 14.  (PA Bulletin, page 7762

-- PennEnergy Resources LLC - Fritsch To B25 Water Pipeline: DEP issued a Chapter 102 permit for the pipeline project impacting Snake Run and Pine Run located in New Sewickley Twp., Beaver County.  Received Oct. 9, Issued Nov. 15.  (PA Bulletin, page 7763

Oil & Gas Well Drilling Permits [11.22.24]*

-- Last Week - Permits: DEP issued 0 conventional and 11 unconventional

-- Year To Date - Permits: DEP issued 175 conventional and 472 unconventional

-- Year To Date - Wells Drilled: 152 conventional and 282 unconventional

*Weekly Workload Report - 11.22.24

*DEP’s Weekly Oil & Gas Program Workload Report - Most Recent

DEP Issued These New Oil & Gas Permits *

*Click Here to find oil and gas well permits recently issued near you

Sign Up! DEP eNotice: The Only Way You’ll Know When Applications Come In To DEP

Did you know DEP can send you email notices when permit applications are submitted to DEP in your community?  

This is the only way you can get notified of when oil and gas-related permits are submitted to DEP.   

You’ll also get notice of new technical guidance documents and regulations.

Click Here to sign up for DEP’s eNOTICE today!

Act 14 Notices To Municipalities

Many communities and citizens are not aware that a state law passed in 1984 gives them the first chance to comment on Department of Environmental Protection permit applications even before they are submitted to the agency.   Read more here.

PA Oil & Gas Industry Public Notice Dashboards:

-- PA Oil & Gas Weekly Compliance Dashboard - Nov. 23 to 29 - 3 Wastewater Pipeline Releases; More Abandoned Shale Gas, Conventional Wells; Leaking Gas Storage Area Wells  [PaEN]

-- PA Oil & Gas Industrial Facilities: Permit Notices, Opportunities To Comment - November 30 [PaEN] 

-- DEP Posted 87 Pages Of Permit-Related Notices In November 30 PA Bulletin  [PaEN]  

Related Articles This Week:

-- Shell Falcon Pipeline LP Pleads No Contest To Criminal Charges For Violating The State Clean Streams Law In Allegheny, Beaver, Washington Counties; Will Pay $300,000 In Penalties  [PaEN] 

-- DEP Determines Rulemaking Petition Submitted By Environmental, Health Groups To Adopt More Protective Setbacks From Shale Gas Wells Is An Action The Environmental Quality Board Has Statutory Authority To Take  [PaEN] 

-- CNX Gas Company Reports It Did Not Stop Pumping Shale Gas Wastewater Through A Punctured Pipeline For 24+ Hours During An Incident In Morris Township, Greene County In May  [PaEN] 

-- DEP Discovers Evidence Of Continuous Conventional Oil Well Wastewater Release At McKean County Well Site During Routine Inspection [PaEN]

-- Public Citizen: LNG Gas Exports Could Cost Pennsylvanians Up To $16 Billion More In Energy Costs [PaEN] 

-- PUC Invites Stakeholder Comments On The Issue Of The Adequacy Of Electricity Supplies In Pennsylvania  [PaEN] 

-- PUC Encourages Consumers To Prepare For Dec. 1 Electricity Price Changes; Rates Will Vary From 8.4% Decrease To 31.2% Increase [PaEN]


-- Marcellus Drilling News: PA DEP Aids Efforts By Antis To Establish 3,000+ Foot Setbacks From Shale Gas Well Pads  [PDF of Article]

-- Observer-Reporter: Shell Pipeline Company Pleads No Contest To Criminal Charges For Discharges During Falcon Pipeline Construction  [PDF of Article]

-- WTAE: Shell Falcon Pipeline LP Convicted Of Criminal Charges After Violating PA Clean Streams Law

-- Marcellus Drilling News: BIG Mistake: Shell Falcon Pipeline Pleads Guilty To Criminal Charges  [PDF of Article]

-- Marcellus Drilling News: FERC Approves Rover Pipeline Connection To Energy Transfer Revolution Natural Gas Liquids Cryogenic Processing Facility In Washington County  [PDF of Article]

-- Financial Times: Oil/Gas Producers Warn 25% Republican Tariffs On Canada Will Push Up Prices For American Motorists, Natural Gas Users   [United Refining Refinery In Warren Uses Oil From Canada As Feedstock]

-- AP: Republican Administration Threatens To Impose New 25% Tariffs On All Canadian Imports To US  [United Refining Refinery In Warren Uses Oil From Canada As Feedstock]

-- Reuters: How Proposed Republican Tariffs Might Affect Commodities And Energy

-- E&E News/Politico: What Republican Tariffs Could Mean For America Energy 

-- Reuters: Exxon: US Oil/Gas Firms Unlikely To Go ‘Drill, Baby, Drill’ Under Republican Administration  

-- Reuters: Exclusive: Republican Administration Prepares Wide-Ranging Energy Plan To Boost Natural Gas Exports, Oil Drilling, Sources Say  [PDF of Article

-- Public Pittsburgh-Based EQT’s ‘Bulldog’ Has D.C. In His Grip, With Profits And Maybe Higher Gas Bills On The Horizon 

--  Scranton Times: UGI Gas Customers To See Nearly 9% Increase In Natural Gas Costs For Non-Shopping Customers Dec. 1 

-- WVIA: Heating Bills To Rise 8.7% For UGI Gas Customers Starting Dec. 1

-- AAA Gasoline Prices: National- $3.06   Ohio- $3.03   PA- $3.24 

-- Reuters: US Oil Output Fell In September By The Most Since January, EIA Says

-- Baker Hughes: PA Natural Gas Drilling Rigs Same As Last Week At 15; Aug. 23 Was 21

-- The Energy Age Blog: New Fortress Energy, Leader Of LNG Gas Export Growth Bubble, Facing Bankruptcy

-- Marcellus Drilling News: EPA Set To Bestow WV With CO2 Class VI Injection Well Primacy  [PDF of Article]

-- Pittsburgh Business Times: EPA Plans To Approve West Virginia Underground Injection Control Program, Here’s What That Means For PA  [PDF of Article

-- Marcellus Drilling News: EPA Set To Bestow WV With CO2 Class VI Injection Well Primacy  [PDF of Article]

-- Public News Service: PA Environmental, Free Speech Advocates Worry Over ‘Anti-Terror’ Law Moving In Congress 

-- Pittsburgh Business Times: How EQT Gas Company Is Tackling Ambitious Greenhouse Gas Reduction Goals 

-- The Center Square: Federal Court To Hear American Gas Assn. Challenge Against Natural Gas Furnace Efficiency Rules 

-- Utility Dive: EPA Proposes Tightening NOx Limits For New Natural Gas-Fired Power Plants

-- Bloomberg: European Natural Gas Prices Rise On Cold Weather Forecast, Supply Risk

-- Reuters: Republican Nod To LNG Gas Export Facility Project Could Boost Supply Starting In 2027, Goldman Says

[Posted: November 28, 2024]  PA Environment Digest

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