Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Friends Of Allegheny Wilderness: Help Permanently Preserve George Washington Park In The City Of Warren

Friends of Allegheny Wilderness are encouraging residents of the City of Warren and visitors to George Washington Park to join the effort to permanently preserve the park from development.

“It’s not often that we contact you about something outside the realm of preserving wilderness areas in the Allegheny National Forest, but in this case it is closely related, and we would greatly appreciate any help you might be able to lend!

“Some involved with the management of the City of Warren, Pennsylvania -- where the Friends of Allegheny Wilderness H.Q. is located -- are considering pursuing funding for wildly inappropriate development ideas within the long-cherished 65-acre heavily-wooded George Washington Park overlooking the City of Warren and the National Wild & Scenic Allegheny River.  

“In 1922, the park’s founders envisioned that the park should be preserved for all time.

These ill-advised “intense developments,” as proponents call them, would even include the construction of an extensive new million-dollar system of mountain biking trails carving up the park -- a park that has always been formally classified as a “passive use” park!

“If you are a resident of the City of Warren, or have visited George Washington Park from outside the area, or would simply like to help on principle in this important cause, please sign the petition to protect George Washington Park in Warren, Pennsylvania in perpetuity as an undeveloped nature preserve!”

Click Here to read about the George Washington Park and Nature Preserve proposal.

Click Here to read and sign the petition.

For more information on programs, initiatives, upcoming events, and how you can get involved, visit the Friends Of Allegheny Wilderness website.  Follow them on Facebook.   Click Here to sign up for regular email updates.

Friends seeks to foster an appreciation of wilderness values and benefits, and to work with local communities to ensure that increased wilderness protection is a priority of the stewardship of the Allegheny National Forest in Elk, Forest, McKean and Warren counties.

Related Article:

-- Friends Of Allegheny Wilderness: Weigh In On Future Plans For Washington Park, Warren County  [PaEN]

[Posted: September 12, 2023]  PA Environment Digest

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