While nominations are accepted year-round, to be considered for 2013 nominations must be sent to Ruth Roperti, 965 Edgewood Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 or by email to: rroperti@zoominternet.net by January 16.
Please take time to consider a nominee for one of the following categories. Give details in your narrative that show why your nominee would be the best possible recipient of an award.
-- Keystone Award: The Keystone Award is the most prestigious award. It is presented to someone who has successfully dedicated their time to advancing the quality and opportunities of environmental education in Pennsylvania.-- Outstanding Environmental Educator: To be considered, the nominee must be "an individual who made a significant teaching contribution to the environmental education field in a formal or non-formal setting, through either curriculum development or teaching."
-- Daisy S. Klinedinst Memorial Award: The award recipient should be "an educator, new (less than five years) to the field, who is involved in environmental education and who seeks to continue to expand his/her involvement in environmental education."
-- Outstanding Environmental Education Program: This award recognizes an exemplary environmental education program which could be used as a model program.
-- Business Partner Award: This award recognizes a member of the business community that has made significant contributions to promote environmental education within the Commonwealth of PA.
-- Government Partner Award: This award recognizes a government official who serves on a local, state or national level and has demonstrated significant support for environmental education within the Commonwealth of PA.
-- Outstanding Contribution to the Environmental Field: This award is presented to someone who has contributed to environmental education in a non teaching area, such as publishing or research.
For more information and a copy of the Nomination Form, visit the PAEE Award Nomination webpage.
Please send or email the nomination form to: Ruth Roperti, 965 Edgewood Road, Beaver Falls, PA 15010 or send by email to: rroperti@zoominternet.net.